Guide to the Xelor Needle Piku deck on Waven – Gamosaurus

The Xelor Piku is quickly establishing itself as one of the most popular builds on Waven. Its large movement capacity allows it to respond to many situations, while offering easy-to-access gameplay.

Last update in October 2023 : The Xelor Piku recently underwent an UP during the update
0.13.0 from Waven
. This change makes it slightly better without adding any additional gameplay mechanics or remarks.


Strong points :

+ Simple gameplay to play for a 15 deck

+ Untouchable in combat

+ Completely independent solo and satisfying to many


+ Go through many restrictive mechanics for other classes

Weak points :

Dependent on the level of your equipment to inflict correct damage

Lack of regeneration to resist high level combat spells

Dependent on pickaxe recycling to ensure good movement

The Grandmaster of Teleportation

The Xelor Pikuxala is capable of unleashing damage when teleporting. He is therefore able to take advantage of this mobility without compensation and thus avoid the majority of damage on contact. There are 2 particularly popular builds for the class, one that deals heavy damage and the other that sacrifices half of it to passively generate shield.

So these 2 ways of playing are both viable. More specifically, generating a shield allows the Xelor Piku to be theoretically invincible by being able to dodge damage on contact and resist damage from a distance. However, the damage sacrifice can seem heavy, both in the significant increase in combat time and in the dependence on the pickaxe to maintain stable mobility.

Xelor Pikuxala full damage, the practical default choice

The particularity of the damage-oriented build lies in the ability to trigger 2 passive times instead of once. Normally aimed at the opponent with the most life points, the opponent with the fewest will also be targeted.

Another important point, the damage triggered depends on a part (65%) of the Xelor’s attack. You must therefore try to obtain as many as possible otherwise you will lack power compared to other Waven classes.

The best deck for the Xelor Piku

Changes to objects are possible, particularly regarding companions or spells to be more flexible depending on the combat.

Skills and equipment to use on the Xelor Pikuxala

Here is the list of all the equipment to take on the Xelor Piku on Waven. Although this is optimized, you should not avoid changing certain spells depending on those already possessed. The most important thing is to obtain a suitable damage ratio, so it is therefore advisable to equip items that are already high levels and their significant damage bonuses.

As for life and damage, only the first bonus of 50% vitality is useful, the Xelor is too dependent on its damage to neglect investing the majority of its points to increase its power.

xelor piku waven build

List of items to equip:

  • Rific Ring (Deck 15) : +35% drain to your hero.
  • Pignâtre Ring (Deck 15) : +30% damage to the hero, bonus % life.
  • Siff Ring: +20% attack and -10% life.
  • Gelano (Deck 15) : At the start of your hero’s turn, grant + 1 AP.
  • Grandpa Armband : Attack, adds the rapid repositioning spell to your hand (teleports 2 squares for 1 AP).

List of spells to equip:

  • Sinister air: Summons an air sinistro up to 3 squares away, then swaps places with it.
  • Offensive Teleport: Teleports 2 squares then air damage around the arrival.
  • Flexible teleportation: Teleports 3 squares, air damage around the arrival.
  • Compulsive Teleport: Teleports 2 squares, fire damage.
  • Long teleport: Teleports 3 squares or around a sinistro, fire damage on arrival.
  • Stealth Teleport: Teleports 2 squares, air damage to aligned opponents.
  • Controlled teleportation: Teleports 4 squares in a row, earth damage.
  • Pendulum: +1 AP in reserve, rewind.
  • Pikuxala power: +50% attack to the hero for the current turn.
  • Destabilization : Exchange position with a sinostro, draw the next sinostro.
  • Pikuxala Jump : Teleports 1 space then teleports to the starting space of the turn.
  • Pikuxala leak : Inflicts 50% of the hero’s attack, then teleports to the start square of the turn.
  • Teleport Pikuxala : Teleports 3 squares, inflicts 50% of his attack on opponents around him, then teleports to the square at the start of the turn.
  • Harmony Temporal : Teleport 1 space or exchange position with a sinistro, heals.
  • Collaborative Teleport: Exchange position with an ally, water damage.

Xelor Piku’s companions and special skills

Special skills:

  • Pikuxala Mastery : Deals 30% more damage when your hero teleports.
  • Pikuxala power: Also triggers your passive on the opponent with the least health.

List of companions:

  • Spinet: Discard your hand and draw 3 spells.
  • Lou : Draw 3 spells costing 3 action points.
  • Armored Alchemist: Grants shield when summoned.
  • Crumbling Champion: Exchange positions with the hero.

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