Guide to the Iop Glaive Stalaktoss deck on Waven – Gamosaurus

The Iop Stalaktoss is a version capable of being both offensive and defensive, all in a pleasant way to play on Waven. Based on the phase shift mechanics, its gameplay combines mobility, damage and armor creation.

Last update in October 2023 : The Iop Stalaktoss recently underwent changes during the update
0.13.0 from Waven
. This change makes it slightly less effective at creating armor, without much impact or gameplay mechanic or additional note.


Strong points :

+ Easy-to-learn gameplayand satisfying to play

+ Completely independent solo and satisfying to many

+ A very large margin of error in combat


Weak points :

Dependent on staying in touch

The complete and satisfactory version of Iop

Less highlighted than the Iop Kasaï, this version is nevertheless just as powerful with a greater range of tools to manage all situations. The Stalaktoss’s passive allows it to enter the “out of phase” state if an opponent is around it at the end of the turn.

Once out of phase, he is able to pass through opponents and inflict his attack on them but also generate a shield. The overall objective is therefore to cross as many entities as possible to maximize your power throughout the fight.

The best deck for Iop Stalaktoss

Changes to objects are possible, particularly regarding companions or spells to be more flexible depending on the combat.

Skills and equipment to use on the Iop Stalaktoss

Here is the list of all the equipment to take on the Iop Stalaktoss on Waven. Although this is optimized, you should not avoid changing certain spells depending on those already possessed. The most important thing is to obtain a suitable damage ratio, so it is therefore advisable to equip items that are already high levels and their significant damage bonuses.

As for life and damage, only the first bonus of 50% vitality is useful, the Iop Stalaktoss transforms its attack into armor which is the most interesting.

iop stalaktoss skills waven

List of items to equip:

  • Siff Ring: +20% attack and -10% life.
  • Rific Ring (Deck 15) : +35% drain to your hero.
  • Pignâtre Ring (Deck 15) : +30% damage to the hero, bonus % life.
  • Rible Ring : +5% critical hit chance.
  • Armband Tung : Increases your hero’s attack by 10% when he attacks (limited to 10 times per fight).

List of spells to equip:

  • Race : +2 MP for the current turn.
  • All Stalaktoss: All your characters gain phase shift and 1MP.
  • Jump : Teleports up to 3 squares, inflicts 25% of the hero’s attack around the arrival square.
  • Spiritual crossing: Crosses a line and deals 40% of the hero’s attack to opponents crossed.
  • Phased Glaive: Grants phase shift and increases attack by 25%.
  • Algarade: Draw 2 spells.
  • Master out of phase: Inflicts the hero’s attack, grants phase shift or +1 MP if already phase shift.
  • Charge and recharge: Charge and inflict the hero’s attack, draw 1 spell.
  • Radiation: +10% attack to your hero, +10% additional per melee opponent.
  • Iop Breastplate: Grant shield and draw 2 spells.
  • Invigorating Burn : Fire damage, grants 100% drain for 1 turn if phased.
  • Telluric Charge: Your hero charges an aligned character and steals 1MP.
  • Shock of glory : Earth damage, +1 MP.
  • Trouble : Pushes back the target if the hero is phased.
  • Frozen crossing : Crosses 3 squares in a line, water damage.

Companions and special skills of the Iop Stalaktoss

Special skills:

  • Stalaktoss Armor : When your hero is phased, he gains 40% of his armor attack per opponent crossed.
  • Stalaktoss Vigor: Your hero’s attack is not reduced by phase shift.

List of companions:

  • Shani: Adds the spell “stroller reflection” (pushes back 1 square for 0 AP) when she attacks.
  • Delta : No particular effect.
  • Lou: Draw 3 spells costing 3 action points.
  • Grufon: Draw 2 spells.

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