Get the best Steam game from Valve for just 0.97 euros

The big Steam Summer Sale lets you save on many PC games. An in-house game from Valve costs almost nothing right now. The gaming hit is getting dream ratings and costs just €0.97.

The very best game on Steam costs less than 1 euro

PC gamers now have the opportunity to secure an absolute gaming milestone. Portal 2 simply belongs in every Steam library. Valve is making it particularly easy for you. The puzzle hit from 2011 costs just 90 percent less and ends up at the unbeatable price of only 0.97 euros. The offer is valid until July 11th.


In Portal 2 you control the silent protagonist Chell, who has to fight her way through the test chambers of the unscrupulous company Aperture Science. Her only weapon, however, does not shoot bullets, but portals. With this portal gun, you have to to solve various puzzles and finally escape to freedom. In contrast to its predecessor, the story of Portal 2 is a bit more extensive, but still offers a good dose of dark humor.

Portal 2 also offers a Two-player co-op mode with its own story. Of course, it's easier to work with two brains – but the puzzles are also much more difficult.

Check out the trailer for Portal 2 here:

No game on Steam is as popular as Portal 2

Portal 2 is extremely popular with Steam players. A full 98 percent of the more than 317,000 reviews rate the puzzle hit positively. According to the website SteamDB, this makes it the most popular game across the entire platform (source: SteamDB).


Despite the two in the name, knowledge of the predecessor is not absolutely necessary. But if you want to have a complete overview of the story (or are looking for even more puzzles), then you should also go for the predecessorFortunately, Portal 1 currently costs only 0.97 euros.


If your head is still not spinning after both Portal games, there is even a free expansion that adds another 40 puzzles to the game. The complete package of Portal, Portal 2 and Portal: Revolution should be enough even for Puzzle Master represent a challenge.
