Gaming Veteran Podcast #370: The Sentinel – News


Heinrich Lenhardt and Jörg Langer, together with Anatol Locker, dedicate themselves to this unique pioneer among 3D games.

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Anyone who thinks that there is no more evil look than that of the better half when you repeatedly glance at the European Championship ticker during a romantic dinner together has never The Sentinel played. Here you have to avoid the gaze of the eponymous guardian, because if you make visual contact he will drain your life force. The cat-and-mouse game with 3D graphics was praised for its originality in 1986, how much stress does the re-encounter cause us? Guest veteran Anatol Locker has not only brought this topic with him, but also a new track from his band project MOC, which can be heard at the end of the episode. At the beginning there is the usual mixture of news headlines with a retro patina, current match reports and a scoop of listener mail.

The game veteran podcast #370 (27-2024) with Heinrich Lenhardt, Jörg Langer and Anatol Locker has a running time of 1:40:07 hours.

0:00:15 News & Small Talk

  • 0:02:08 Mixed News: Magazine Archive Cult mags will be equipped with a web reader, the anniversary remaster of Beyond Good & Evil has been published, Limited Run Games plans further reissues, a Westwood veteran revises Dune 2 for Amiga, the collection Atari 50 is expanded, classic versions of Resident Evil 1-3 return to modern PCs.
  • 0:17:01 Sad news: Rüdiger Steidle died.
  • 0:17:35 What did we play last? Metal Slug Tactics (Demo), Nintendo World Championship NES Edition (Preview).
  • 0:32:06 Listener mail from Peter Saliger, Pat and Mario.
  • 0:42:37 We welcome guest veteran Anatol Locker, who feels at home in the Japanese underworld and has a new album published.

0:50:05 The old game: The Sentinel


  • 0:50:32 After the racing game Revs thought programmer Geoff Crammond the abstract 3D world of The Sentinel, where we want to reach the top in 10,000 levels. Why did Anatol choose the game as his desired theme?
  • 0:58:45 Panopticon effect and exciting sound effects create an oppressive atmosphere. Crammond had to use clever tricks to get full 3D graphics on the BBC Micro and C64.
  • 1:12:05 When a level rotates alongside the Sentinel and additional surveillance personnel, the hectic search for suitable target locations becomes seriously stressful.
  • 1:19:46 About the graphic style of the 1998 successor Sentinel Returns One can argue that the soundtrack comes from a prominent artist.
  • 1:24:10 Historical press review and veterans’ conclusion.
  • 1:34:31 End credits.
  • 1:36:31 Bonus track: »Ivy« by MOC.
