Gamescom for gamers – YouTubers out? (Happy on Friday)

Already at Gamescom 2023, the 'Signing Area' was relocated to a separate hall ('Social Area') – Photo: GamesWirtschaft


Is Gamescom developing into an influencercom? If so, why is that? And can the 'problem' be solved sustainably?

Dear GamesWirtschaft reader,
Dear GamesWirtschaft reader,

When the German national team takes to the field against Spain today from 6 p.m., there is a reasonable probability that the TV cameras will occasionally linger on individual people as they pan across the stands – greying world footballers, players' wives (an honourable profession since Claudia Effenberg at the latest), monarchs, officials, foreign ministers passing through and in between: influencers.

Just to ensure the participation of these 'EM influencer' was in the past few days a debate broke out. The fan association Our curve finds that social media stars ,right' Football fans the expensive seats “take away”. The “real fans” would have no chance of being there live.


Which, however, is only half true (at best!)because A, B and Z celebrities mostly get into the boxes on the covers of organizers, associations and sponsors. The accusation also seems grotesque to me because until recently the DFB selection had great difficulty filling the stands with those 'real fans' to fill. If necessary, even fake fans would have been accepted.

It remains unclear which criteria must be met in order to be considered 'real fan' As far as I know, there is no test of whether you really love football in the entrance area. Or at least feels. Or can distinguish between punishable and non-punishable handball.

Happy on Friday - the weekly column at GamesWirtschaft
Happy on Friday – the weekly column at GamesWirtschaft

In any case, the What are the birds looking for in our beautiful stadiumDiscussion draws unmistakable parallels to Gamescom, which starts in seven weeks. In forums, comment columns, under social media postings and even within the scene, loud lamentations regularly begin that the Cologne gaming hustle and bustle has increasingly become Influencercom Games only serve as an overarching framework. Instead, it's increasingly about creating selfie, story and reel-capable situationships for TikTok and Insta – style over substance.

But is that actually true? And if not: Where does the resentment come from? What makes even influencers think about it like this: Gamescom for gamers – YouTubers out? And if not 'out', then perhaps in separate enclosures?

Influencers – or, to put it nicely, ‘creators’ – have always been an integral part of Gamescom. Quite a few ticket buyers make the date of their visit measurably dependent on the day on which streamer X or TikTok talent Y will be holding court. Long queues form at the barriers at Bethesda, where Gronkh traditionally hugs and signs autographs from dawn till dusk, shortly after the hall opens.

For the fact that the already mediocre image of influencers suffered in the Gamescom contextthe industry can thank a few particularly lovable examples who went overboard (and sometimes their fellow influencers too). Also unforgettable are the images of MontanaBlack, who two years ago rolled through the corridors with an ever-growing crowd of behaviorally disturbed late adolescents and thought it was a smart idea to stream the process live on the internet.

The trade fair has reacted: Recently, such “Community Meeting” must be registered at least 14 days in advance. Experts then examine the plan, weigh up the risks and side effects and decide: reasonable or unreasonable?

But these are at best background noises. In my opinion, the discontent of the Gamescom ultras is not so much due to full-time and part-time cosplayers and let's players, but rather to the very fundamental, strategic orientation of Gamescom.

Or as the Evangelical Youth Department of the City of Cologne puts it, which has had its own stand in Hall 10 for ten years: “Gamescom has evolved from being a pure trade fair for video games with audience participation to being a public fair.” Gamescom has long been “more than gaming”.

And some people will think: What a pity.

Anyone strolling through the halls can sense that the character of Gamescom has changed. And that happened like this: Because Nintendo, Electronic Arts and Sony PlayStation regularly forgo the world's leading trade fair, the 'non-endemic' brands have to take over. Translated: Everything except games. REWE, Aldi, BMW Mini, Porsche, the German army, LEGO, Red Bull, the savings banks, Netflix, all that. A complete Hall is now reserved for shows, concerts, tournaments, another for meet & greets, and from 2024 there will be a board game area.

Inevitable consequence: The square meters are increasing – but the hands-on opportunities are decreasing. This subjective impression is supported by hard facts: Microsoft Xbox had the biggest Gamescom surcharge ever last year. Number of gaming stations: 150. Four years ago there were 200.

Jens Malms, who is responsible for the appearances of the major publishers at the Aachen-based trade fair builder Walbert-Schmitz, states soberly: “The opportunity to take a first look at a new title or even play it for the first time is losing massive importance.”

Motto: Just look, don't touch.

This is not always due to the lack of will of publishers and studios, but rather to the fact that it is obviously complicated and time-consuming to provide playable material in time for the trade fair, which firstly is in a 'polished' (read: presentable) condition and secondly, it is suitable for 10 to 15 minute sessions. Result: At the Gamescom Awards 2023, Nintendo won five out of twelve product categories – not with Christmas novelties, but with the spring collection around The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

It is what it is. And that's why there has to be an influencer 'activation' or an autograph session or a competition or the T-shirt cannon. After all, the audience wants to be entertained from morning to evening over the five days of the trade fair.

There is no real 'solution' to the dilemma: While a European Football Championship could be held perfectly well without influencers, this is unimaginable at Gamescom. Because the walk-in customers alone can never justify the often seven-figure investments in stand construction, logistics and personnel – the trade fair message must shine beyond Gamescom. There is no other way. And that only works through multipliers, i.e. YouTubers and streamers.

Organizers and exhibitors know the monetary media value of views, streams, posts and reactions down to the last cent. And that's why it's almost vital that as many influencers as possible travel to Cologne with their reach.

The customers should not lack anything: In addition to the busy Red Bull Creator Club behind Hall 8, a dedicated creator co-working space has recently been added to the range – the chocolate factory of Gamescom hotspots, so to speak. There are streaming booths, gaming stations, fixed WiFi, lounge and relaxation areas, snacks, drinks and, by arrangement, “additional amenities” – such as a shuttle service or security escort. If an average of 300 people or more watch you on Twitch, you have a chance of gaining access to the promised land. It is not a guarantee.

The press fuzzies must be clearly distinguished from creators. To avoid unforeseen confusion, there are strictly separate accreditation paths and lounge areas for both trades. In the press center – i.e. where colleagues from radio, television, print and online plug in their laptops – the principle applies that journalists pay for their own physical well-being. After all, independence and professionalism could be seriously damaged as soon as sandwiches, coffee and other cold drinks are handed out. The thought of making a modest contribution via a catering receipt is comforting. on Koelnmesse's record profit of €42 million to contribute – together with 320,000 other participants. You also have to be able to enjoy yourself.

Back on topic: The theory that Gamescom influencers could take tickets away from 'normal people' (as is said to be the case with the European Football Championship) is nonsense. As of today, tickets are available for all days of the fair at the list price. If you want them, you can get them. We have compiled concrete suggestions on how Gamescom 2024 could be improved beyond influencer control in this overview.

We wish you a nice weekend and an exciting football evening

Petra Froehlich
Editor-in-Chief GamesWirtschaft
