Funko Fusion – Discovery of Funko Fusion

I had the opportunity to discover Funko Fusion, announced last May and scheduled for September 13, 2024.


You have certainly already seen one of the Funko figurines in stores Pop!, taking up a pop culture character with a very particular design. You certainly know some of the many films or series from NBCUniversal (I will mention several later). Finally, the name TT Games may not mean anything to you, but you have probably already seen one of the countless LEGO games they have developed, including the latest, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.


With these three elements in place, we can begin our story, which begins during the pandemic. Arthur Parsons, an employee of TT Games for over 20 years, takes the opportunity to reflect. He talks with Jon Burton, founder of the studio, and the two decide to create a new structure: 10:10 Gamesfounded in 2021.

The studio now has about 70 people, including many veterans who followed the two founders. It quickly formed a partnership with NBCUniversal, bringing licenses, and especially with Funko Pop!, whose particular aesthetic makes it possible to bring together these universes that have little connection between them. This is how was born Funko Fusion.

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Funko Fusion is an action-adventure game that can be played alone or in cooperation with up to 4 players online. Players embody characters from NBCUniversal's many licenses and explore worlds that are also inspired by them. If the name NBCUniversal doesn't ring a bell, here is a non-exhaustive list of the licenses present in Funko Fusion:

  • Jurassic World
  • The Thing
  • Masters of the Universe
  • The Umbrella Academy
  • Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
  • Back to the future
  • Five Nights at Freddy's
  • Battlestar Galactica
  • Hot Fuzz
  • Shaun of the Dead
  • Jaws
  • Xena the warrior

In total, more than 20 licenses are present in the game. They are certainly the strong point of the title: I must admit that I would never have imagined seeing three Edgar Wright films thus adapted into video games.


Let's start from these to discuss the gameplay of the game. Indeed, the plural is necessary, because the licenses are available in many ways to play. There is certainly an action-adventure base in open areas, with a lot of exploration and third-person combat. Nevertheless, each license is an opportunity to offer a variation of this formula. Thus, crime scenes inspired by Hot Fuzz are scattered throughout the different locations, it is up to the player to elucidate them.

The title Merger is not to be taken lightly. Of course, the different worlds are directly inspired by specific licenses. I was able to see the world of Jurassic World, inspired by the plot of the first film. However, it is possible to do the different quests of this universe with any character. In addition, the level Jurassic World incorporates elements from other licenses, just as mechanics from that license are useful elsewhere.

So, I saw the world taken from the Jaws. To access an area, you had to use batteries, from Jurassic World (I don't know the reason for this link, however). By activating a generator, you then unlock the rest of the level: a crime scene resulting from the attack of a passerby by a shark.


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Let's be direct: I'm not a fan at all of the aesthetic of the Funko Pop! and if the first trailer for Funko Fusion intrigued me, it didn't convince me. This presentation appealed to me. Indeed, we feel a real attachment from the developers for these licenses, a great desire on their part to honor them, while creating something new. And they operate the Hot Fuzz license. And Shaun of the Dead. And Scott Pilgrim. And Battlestar Galactica.

Funko Fusion will be released on September 13, 2024 on PC (via Steam), PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S And Nintendo Switch. Pre-orders are already open on the first three platforms. They allow you to obtain free DLC: Team Fortress characters for the platform Valve or of The Walking Dead for other media.

Preview produced by Alandring as part of a virtual press event organized by the developer.
