Friendly Fire wins German Fundraising Award 2024

German Fundraising Award 2024 – from left: Artur Niemczuk (FisHC0p), Lena Laaser, laudator Ceylan Isik and Dennis Brammen (Team Smiet) – Photo: German Fundraising Association / Gregor Zielke


Great honor for the Friendly Fire team: The German Fundraising Award 2024 recognizes the social commitment of the gaming influencers.

“Friendly Fire is doing a 12-hour TV game show on Twitch in which famous gaming influencers have a lot of fun, do a lot of nonsense and raise around a million euros in donations. The event is aimed at gaming nerds and creates an atmosphere in which donations are a given.”

This is how the jury of the German Fundraising Prize the concept of Friendly Fire – a livestream marathon that has been held every year at the beginning of December since 2015. More than €10 million has been raised for a good cause since then – primarily from viewers who donate diligently and purchase merchandise, but also from generous sponsors from the games industry.

Because Friendly Fire opens up new target groups and “Carries donation culture into an area that traditional fundraising cannot reach”the Friendly Fire 9 edition from December 2nd/3rd, 2023 was honored at the German Fundraising Congress in Berlin. The format took 3rd place behind Doctors Without Borders and the German Foundation for Monument Protection.


As in previous years, Friendly Fire 9 has also broken the donation mark of €1 million (as of 4.12.2023)
As in previous years, Friendly Fire 9 has also broken the donation mark of €1 million (as of 4.12.2023)

Representing the large team in front of and behind the scenes, project manager Lena Laaser, Artur Niemczuk (FisHC0p) and Dennis Brammen from Team PietSmiet accepted the award. The laudatory speech was given by Ceylan Isik from the donation platform Betterplace, which has always worked closely with Friendly Fire.

The core ensemble also includes Florian Heider, Maximilian Ensikat (PhunkRoyal), Tatjana Werth (Pandora), Pascal Rothkegel (MrMoregame), Erik Range (Gronkh) as well as Jonathan 'Jay' Apelt, Christian Stachelhaus, Sebastian Lenßen and Peter Smits (all Team PietSmiet).

Project manager Lena Laaser: “We are very pleased about the appreciation of the German fundraising scene. Apart from the prize, the exchange on site was also very inspiring. We were able to take some lessons with us for our anniversary, but were also able to answer many questions from fundraisers about our atypical fundraising approach.”

It is not the first time that Friendly Fire has received an award: in 2017 it received the Web Video Award, in 2018 the special prize at the German Computer Game Award and in 2019 the German Developer Award.

The anniversary edition Friendly Fire 10 is scheduled for December 7, 2024.
