France to authorize renewal of National Identity Cards for France Identity installation

Essential for installing France Idété (and therefore benefiting from the dematerialized CNI and permit), the biometric identity card will soon be accessible without having to wait for the expiration date of your current card.

Since February 13, 2024, holders of a French driving license can leave it at home and replace it with the France Identity application on their smartphone. But there is a catch.


To function, the France Identity application needs a link with the dematerialized national identity card, the one in credit card format. The problem is that a large number of French people still have the old, larger card, which therefore excludes them from dematerialization.

According to information from our colleagues atiGeneration, all this will soon change. France will simplify the renewal of the CNI.

France Identity, a reason for renewal

“In the coming months, a new reason will be created to allow the renewal of the national identity card for people wishing to create their digital identity with France Idêtes” entrust the application teams to iGeneration.

Concretely, this means that the expiration of your current card, theft and loss will no longer be the only official reasons for renewal. The French should be able to request the new identity card to access the application without having to declare a theft and pay a tax stamp of 25 euros (which is often reimbursed by credit card insurance, which people do not don't know).


To add your driving license to your smartphone, you need the new CNI. // Source: France Identity
To add your driving license to your smartphone, you need the new CNI. // Source: France Identity

Should we expect an imminent announcement from the government? According to the site, not necessarily. “The scope and precise conditions of this new reason are still to be defined” indicates France Identity at iGeneration, which suggests that not everyone will necessarily be affected. In the past, France Identity has often reserved changes for the regions, while waiting to become generalized.

Due to a lack of sufficient resources, the government has been blocking the renewal of identity cards in the event of a move for several months. The opening of renewal to everyone should happen, but not quickly. Delays are sometimes several months.

What about license renewal? Although it is possible, the new card format is not obligatory to benefit from France Identity. Only the new CNI is necessary.
