Fortnite offline: Downtime for new update today

Fortnite down: Epic Games announces scheduled maintenance for the Battle Royale shooter for today – the update 30.20.01 is on its way. The developers have already announced the schedule for today's downtime via social media. It will start at the usual time: Fortnite will go offline at 10 a.m., and logins and game entries will initially no longer be possible. The developers will switch off the matchmaking system half an hour beforehand. You will therefore be able to join the last game before the maintenance at around 9:30 a.m.

Fortnite offline: What’s in the new update?

How long Fortnite (buy now ) It is not clear from the information whether the Info from Twitter/X However, the data suggests that today is only a small patch. Therefore, the offline time should not last too long. We expect the servers to return by lunchtime and then Fortnite can be played as usual. During the downtime, you can access the update 30.20.01, which contains a few bug fixes and a new feature: the patch launches the Fortnite Reload Duos. According to Epic Games, it starts at 3 p.m.


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Fortnite Reload Duos are coming

In Fortnite Reload Duos, you no longer have to compete in teams of four, but can also go into battle with just one friend. No other major changes are apparently planned for today. It remains to be seen which bug fixes and optimizations the developers will add to Fortnite with the update. As soon as we receive the patch notes, you will find out about them on our website as usual. We previously reported on the start of a new Fortnite Festival season – this time with the Metal band Metallica.
