For co-op fans, the problem in Elden Ring is not the opponents, but their fellow players

Elden Ring has a co-op problem. More and more veterans are frustrated that the hosts don't explore the world.

Elden Ring has a co-op problem. More and more veterans are frustrated that the hosts don't explore the world.


It's a law as old as online gaming itself: it's always the other players' fault! What is a more than questionable assessment in most competitive online games is not that far from the truth in Elden Ring. At least here it is much easier to estimate when a co-op partner has perhaps taken on a little too much.

In several threads on Reddit, many current players are annoyed by how weak their partners often are in their eyes. In most cases, they say, they are called by players who are far from the minimum requirement for certain boss fights. This is now causing a lot of frustration.

No wonder the ratings are bad

In several different threads on Reddit, a lot of players are upset that in most cases they are only called by players who don't have the slightest chance against the boss themselves. According to many, the problem is that these people don't do their homework and don't explore the world sufficiently. Instead, they throw themselves into the difficult battles far too early.

Reddit user Hueddel writes about:


I've done about 30 co-op summons for the boss in Castle Ensis and 90 percent of the time the hosts are at Scadutree Blessing level 3 or lower. No damn wonder the game is hated on Steam for being too hard. People don't put any effort into leveling up and then rage quit this masterpiece of a DLC.

The Creator of a second thread called TinfoilPancake:

All the hosts that summon me are wearing piss-stained robes with some sort of soresal, and literally the second I lose aggro they die from one hit because their HP is mostly under 1000. How the hell did these people get to level 125-150 without even leveling power?

The problem is further exacerbated by the fact that co-op partners are also adjusted to the host's blessing strength. As a result, many people can immediately see when they are rushing to help someone who is not using the blessing sufficiently.

Tips are also given

In the replies to the creators, many frustrated players who have had similar experiences agree. Of course, many people show off on this occasion, but there are also people who want to give tips to less experienced players.

For example, in the thread, the user Fetal_Sushi apologizes to all summoned partners. He is not under-leveled, but simply bad. The user ComfortableDull5056 contradicts this:

You're not bad! But Blessing at level 7 is about half of what you need for this fight [in Schloss Ensis] have! Go explore, my friend. You can explore most areas without killing any bosses.

In the end, it all comes down to the question of how long you explore the world before you tackle a boss and ask for help. But what do you think about that? Do you think it's a fundamental problem that weak characters ask for help too often in co-op, or is this exaggerated?

Write it in the comments!
