First opinion on Songs of Silence, the new strategy game with a modern art aesthetic

Set in two distinct fantasy worlds, the game blends kingdom management, exploration, and hero development with short but intense real-time battles. This unique blend is accentuated by art direction inspired by art nouveau and a soundtrack composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto, known for his works on Final Fantasy Tactics And Final Fantasy XII.

The game's story immerses us in a conflict between two worlds threatened by a devouring force called Silence. Each faction has its own story and motivations, providing narrative depth reminiscent of titles like The Banner Saga Or Battle for Westnoth. The universe is divided into two opposing realities, one of light and the other of darkness, each with its own cultures and mythologies.


Between quick strategy and interesting aesthetics

The gameplay of Songs of Silence stands out for its blend of long-term strategic management and dynamic real-time battles. Players must manage their resources, explore turn-based maps and develop their heroes while participating in fast-paced and intense clashes. This combination provides a balanced experience, similar to Total War: Three Kingdomsbut with a more condensed execution.

Innovative game mechanics include the use of cards to influence battles. Unlike games like Slay the Spire or in a completely different genre Magic: The Gatheringthe cards of Songs of Silence are not to be “collected” but represent unique actions specific to the heroes and the places visited. These cards can be used to issue tactical orders, trigger status effects, or deal direct damage during battles. This mechanic adds an additional strategic layer, allowing players to adapt their tactics depending on the circumstances.

Players can choose from over 100 different units to build their armies, with each unit having its own strengths and weaknesses. The variety of units and maps offers a multitude of strategic combinations, making each game unique. Battles, while short, are intense and require quick thinking and execution, as well as good resource management.

An immersive experience with the sweet sound of Hitoshi Sakimoto

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Visually, Songs of Silence stands out for its art nouveau aesthetic, inspired by artists like Alphonse Mucha. The maps are colorful and detailed, creating a visually captivating atmosphere that contrasts with the often dull landscapes of traditional strategy games. This unique art direction brings a welcome freshness and contributes greatly to the player's immersion. The animations of units and spell effects are fluid and well-executed, adding to the overall visual experience, at least at “normal” speed. Using the game's *2 or *4 speed takes away some of the fluidity and beauty of troop movements.

The game's soundtrack, for its part, is composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto, and adds an epic dimension to the battles while reinforcing immersion in the game universe. The orchestral music, comparable to the works of Final Fantasy XII or Valkyria Chronicles, help to create a captivating atmosphere. Each track is carefully crafted to fit different phases of the game, from quiet moments of exploration to frenetic battles. The sound effects, although less remarkable than the music, are of good quality and complete the experience without ever becoming overbearing.

In terms of performance, although the game is still in early access, everything is generally positive. The developers are actively working to optimize the game to ensure a smooth and seamless experience.

In short, Songs of Silence promises to be a promising and interesting title for lovers of 4X strategy games. With a rich story, a captivating universe, balanced gameplay and a unique artistic direction, it has all the assets to appeal to fans of the genre.
