First celebrated, now the unexpected shitstorm: fans attack new shooter

It can happen so quickly: within a few days plunges a previously celebrated game into the big shitstorm. We are talking about the Hero Shooter Concord from developer Firewalk Studios, which has been causing a stir for some time now. The first trailer was well received by fansalso the first hand-on reports were full of praise for the action gameShortly before the imminent release, the signs were pointing to a great success. But now there is heavy criticism from the ranks of the community. What is happening there?

What exactly is Concord?

At Concord (buy now 39,99 € / 35,99 € ) is a hero shooter that focuses on Action-packed and dynamic multiplayer battles Two teams of five characters each fight each other in different locations. At launch, 16 figures to choose from all of which have special abilities. This ranges from Lennox, who uses two one-handed firearms, to the mighty Roka, whose rocket launcher is absolutely feared by his enemies.


The gameplay so far is reminiscent of a mixture of Destiny2 and OverwatchThe release of Concoard is only for 23 August 2024 planned, but already A first beta test will take place from 12 to 14 July. One week later (July 18th to 21st) there will be an open beta that is accessible to all players. But why is there now a violent shitstorm?

Why is Concord under fire?

Developer Firewalk Studios recently confirmed to our colleagues at Eurogamer that to play Concord An active PSN account is required will be – namely also for the PC version of the hero shooterThe team's explanation initially sounds plausible.

“This allows us to offer cross-play, this cross-progression, it's an important part of it. (…) It's the goal to bring players together. For us, this means letting players from PC and PS5 play together, for cross-play and cross-progression, it's a layer without which it doesn't work – from a purely technical point of view.”


This PSN requirement was already anything but well received by fans of the equally celebrated Helldivers 2 and provided for heavy review bombing and ultimately for Sony to give in. How the comments under the Eurogamer interview show, this is no different in the case of Concord. The fans largely reject the requirement for an active PSN account and give vent to their displeasure. Will the developers therefore rethink things again?

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What is your opinion on the subject? Do you also strictly reject such an account requirement in principle or could you live with it? Is the current excitement perhaps even a little exaggerated and artificially inflated? Feel free to write your opinion in the comments and discuss with our community.

Source: Eurogamer
