Fire Emblem Heroes: What's new in version 8.7.0

This is an announcement from the development team. We would like to introduce you to what's new and changed in version 8.7.0.

■ You can now select a Fusion Partner Emblem on the Skill Set Edit screen!


You can now select a Fusion Partner Emblem on the Skill Set Edit screen. In the “Select Emblem” section, you can assign any of your allied Emblems as a Fusion Partner. When a Fusion Partner is assigned, tapping the special skill will display the details of the buffs obtained after fusion.

Ability Sets can be changed by selecting “Edit/Assign Sets” in the “Attributes/Equipment” section of the “Allies” menu or from the Ability Sets on the Hero’s Detailed Stats screen. Please see the “What are Emblems?” notification for more information on Emblems and fusion.

■ Added new skills for some mythical heroes


Among the heroes appearing in the “Legendary and Mythic Heroes Remix” focus, Nótt, Elegant Moon, and Ashera, Goddess of Order, are getting new abilities.

○ New skills

・ Aptitude A

Distant lightning
The unit retaliates regardless of the distance from its attacker. If the enemy initiates combat, grants the unit Spd +5 during combat.
Not compatible :

・ Aptitude B
Sister wing-Mon. +
If the unit's Vit is compared to that of an enemy or ally for another ability, grants the unit Vit +7 for the duration of the comparison (actual Vit is not affected).

If unit's HP ≥ 25% at the start of battle, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def -5 on the enemy, the unit deals additional damage equal to 10% of its Atk (excluding area-of-effect special abilities), and reduces the percentage of enemy abilities (except special abilities) that reduce damage by a certain percentage during battle by 50% (excluding area-of-effect special abilities), and if unit's Spd > enemy's Spd, reduces damage from attacks during battle and area-of-effect special abilities by a percentage equal to 5x the difference (50% maximum, excluding stirge special abilities). Ability reserved for the original unit.

・ Aptitude B

Respite Vit/Res 4
Inflicts -X Spd/Res on the enemy (X = 4 + number of 【Bonus】effects the enemy has; maximum 8, excluding stat bonuses) and Spd/Res bonuses the enemy has from skills like Caution or Rally are negated during battle.
Includes all effects granted during a turn or valid for that turn only (increased characteristics, effects of abilities like Rally or Momentum, movement bonuses, effects like Supremacy).

Not compatible :

・ Aptitude C
Moderate order +
At the start of the turn, grants Atk/Res +6, 【Anti-Panic】, 【Anti-Double】, and 【Cursed Blade】 to allies within 3 cells of the unit for one turn, and if the number of allies within 3 cells of the unit is ≥ 3, grants Atk/Res +6, 【Anti-Panic】, 【Anti-Double】, and the following effect to the unit for one turn: “Reduces the percentage of enemy skills (except special skills) that reduce damage by a certain percentage during battle by 50% (excluding area-of-effect special skills).”
If the unit is within 3 squares of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res +4 to the unit during combat.

If the unit is affected by Panic (bonuses converted to penalties), neutralizes the effect “target's bonuses are converted to penalties” for one turn. (Even if the effect is neutralized, the condition inflicted by Panic is preserved, and is considered a condition inflicted by Penalty.)

If Unit's Vit > Enemy's Vit during combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee the enemy can perform double strikes or prevent the unit from performing them for a turn.

【Cursed Blade】
Damage is calculated using the enemy's Def or Res (whichever is lower) during one turn in combat (this effect also applies to damage dealt by special abilities triggered before combat)

Ability reserved for the original unit.

Nótt, Elegant Moon, and Ashera, Goddess of Order, have new weapons to upgrade. See the section titled “Adding New Weapons and Upgrades” for more information.

■ Updated the list of heroes with limited-duration military booklets

Following the launch of version 8.7.0, players will now be able to obtain Divine Scrolls: Ephemeral 7 during events and exchange them for new limited-time War Books using the War Book Compilation feature.

Divine Scrolls: Ephemeral 7 can be exchanged for the following military booklets:

・ It will be possible to compile the military booklets added in this update until 2024/8/28 6:59(UTC).
・Divine Scrolls: Ephemeral 7 can be obtained during events starting after the launch of Update 8.7.0.
・ Divine Scrolls: Ephemeral 6 will continue to be obtainable in events starting before the launch of Update 8.7.0.

■ Added new weapons and upgrades

At rank 5★, the following heroes will be able to obtain new weapons reserved for them.

Wyvern Spear
Heroes who can learn this skill: Gall, Azure Knight

General's Axe
Hero who can learn this skill: Mustafa, Plegian Champion

・The above weapons can be upgraded in the Weapon Workshop after being obtained.
・To learn skills, go to the “Training” section of the “Allies” menu and select “Teach Skills”.

The following weapons can be upgraded using Arena Medals and Divine Dew to gain new effects:

Shadow Blade
Hero who can learn this skill: Kris, Unknown Hero

Star Spear
Hero who can learn this skill: Ingrid, Summer Knight

Hero who can learn this ability: Nótt, Elegant Moon

Double arc
Hero who can learn this skill: Shinon, Sharp Archer

Verdict of the order
Hero who can learn this ability: Ashera, Goddess of Order

Note: To unlock the Weapon Workshop, you must complete Chapter 13 of Book I of the scenario, then the second intermission, “The Ritual of Blades”.

■ Added new souvenir events in the Duo Journey

○ Added new souvenir events.

■ Sky Raid Mode Update

○ Increased the maximum level of certain structures:

・ Lightning Tower (A/D): Level 12

○ Ether Center Update

・ Two new songs added to the Concert Hall: “The Empty Cradle” from Fire Emblem Fates and “The Golden Deer and the Crescent Moon” from Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

■ Summoner Duels Update

○ You will be able to increase your favor level up to 4,500.

This will be implemented from the season starting on 9/7/2024 7:00(UTC).

■ Heroic Grails

The following heroes can be summoned by spending Heroic Grails:

・ Lloyd, The Avenging Wolf
・ Alcryst, Shy Groom

■ Other modifications

○ We fixed an issue affecting the negative status condition of Shackle.

The negative effect of Obstruct limits a unit's movement to 1 tile. However, this effect was not working as intended and has been fixed. Previously, when a unit's movement was limited to 1 tile, the actual movement capacity depended on the unit's type. For example, with the previous way this effect worked, an infantry unit could not move into adjacent forest terrain. After the update, units will be limited to 1 tile regardless of their movement type. In cases like the one mentioned above, the unit will even be able to move into adjacent forest terrain.

○ Changed the character Gullveig, Solar Brilliance.

We've adjusted Gullveig, Sunshine's appearance when he activates his dual ability.

○ Artwork adjustments for Gullveig, Solar Brilliance.

Among Gullveig's illustrations, Solar Brilliance, the following two poses have been replaced.

■ Old version

■ New version

That's all there is to know about this update!

We hope you continue to have fun with Fire Emblem Heroes.
