Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail: Yoshi-P announces compensation

A few days ago, the latest expansion for “Final Fantasy 14”, “Dawntrail”, launched into Early Access, not without problems. Producer Naoki Yoshida has now announced compensation for players.

A week ago, early access for the new “Final Fantasy 14” expansion started “Dawn Trail”However, players were not only faced with a queue of users wanting to access the servers. Fans also reported a whole series of bugs and other problems.


The producer of “Final Fantasy 14”, Naoki Yoshida or Yoshi-P, quickly spoke out about the errors. He thanked everyone for their support and apologized for the technical difficulties. The producer has now also announced compensation for the game's subscribers.

Subscribers get credited with playing time

In a new post, Yoshi-P announced that subscribers of the MMORPG in the “Final Fantasy” universe will be credited with game time starting July 10 due to the errors that occurred. Players on all platforms, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S and PC, who have a registered full version of “Final Fantasy 14” and had an active subscription through July 4th will receive two additional days of play time. Players who have used additional services, such as hired followers, will also receive a free period of use for those services.

Players on the Xbox Series X|S also receive an additional eight days of game time. In total, users on Microsoft consoles will receive ten days of game time. Again, if other services have been used, this usage time will also be credited.


As Naoki Yoshida writes, these compensations will be granted to a large number of players starting July 10. Therefore, it is expected that the process will take around two to three days.

Game still has problems

As Yoshi-P states on the official website of “Final Fantasy 14”, problems with game permissions occurred immediately after the launch of “Dawntrail” on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4. This resulted in users being temporarily unable to log in.

The MMORPG still suffers from bugs on the Xbox Series X|S. For example, serious freezes can occur when switching between areas in the game. As the producer of “Final Fantasy 14” states, fixing this problem is a top priority and is currently being investigated by the developers. However, a fix still needs time, which is why Yoshida asks players to be patient.

Source: Final Fantasy 14

More news about Final Fantasy 14, Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.

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