Fallout: Creator of a famous film works with Bethesda after 13 years

The lead actor and director of the fan film “Fallout: Nuka Break” will be working more closely with Bethesda in the future. A mix-up was helpful.

There are a number of fan short films and trailers on YouTube based on established gaming brands. For example, last April, a filmmaker contributed a Real-live version of the first hype trailer for “GTA 6” The video now has 650,000 views.


“Fallout: Nuka Break” has had significantly more hits, reaching 3.6 million views and an outstanding approval rating. The fan short film, however, had significantly more time. It was released in January 2011.

Fan work accidentally appeared in Fallout 76

Zack Finfrock is the director (and lead actor) of “Fallout: Nuka Break”. And it won’t be his last work of this kind. A crowdfunding campaign is currently underway for a new project called “Fallout: Breaking”, which was inspired by the success of the “Fallout” television series.

Zack Finfrock made headlines due to a mix-up. In addition to his film work, he also devotes himself to Creating Vault Boy Graphics. And one of these graphics recently landed in “Fallout76”without Bethesda approaching Finrock beforehand.

The loading screen for the 4th of July MMO pack included a customized version of Finfrock's artwork, which the creator commented on in a message to game director Jon Rush: “I understand that Vault Boy is not mine, but you could have reached out so I could draw a newer, better version for your Atom Shop image.”


A quick response followed, in which Jon Rush stressed that there was a “confusion with an external provider” in the choice of graphic. The image has since been replaced.

Fallout fan will be paid in the future

The story is far from over, as Finfrock shared another message. In it, Rush writes that he wants to pay the creator for some newly commissioned graphics. They are also intended for “Fallout 76”.

After a long-standing dedication to some of Fallout's best fan content, it seems that things have come full circle and Finfrock can finally build a deeper connection to the Bethesda series.

“The door is now open,” Finfrock continued. “Thank you to everyone who shared the first tweet. I can't wait to share more when I can.”

Until next “Fallout” will take a year or two. In the meantime, Bethesda wants to continue to develop “Fallout 76”. Information about the future of the online role-playing game can be found in our Preview of “Skyline Valley” summarized.

More news about Fallout 76.

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