Eniripsa Kokoro Brush build guide on Waven – Gamosaurus

The Eniripsa Kokoro is the only one that makes support spells profitable, normally reserved for multiplayer combat in solo combat on Waven. His master weapon to achieve this is “rufus”, a steroid-boosted rabbit who accompanies him throughout his fights.

Last update in October 2023 : The Eniripsa Kokoro recently underwent changes during the update
0.13.0 from Waven
. These changes make him slightly more powerful, without changing his gameplay or base build.


Strong points :

+ Fun and original gameplay with companions

+ Able to be effective alone, but also in groups

+ Heavy area damage


Weak points :

Lack of power during high-level fights

Dependent on the health of his companions to function

Depending on his draw, and the cost of summoning Rufus forces him to spend 1 turn

Support your allies to win battles

Even if the Eniripsa Kokoro relies on two strategies, the support of its allies and the generation of shields to inflict damage. More specifically, he generates shield and inflicts 50% of what he has around him with each triggered support.

However, it faces the same problem of classes being dependent on summons or being a little slow to develop their games during combat. High level watches deal too much damage which allows them to easily pass through armor.

Overall, this version of Eniripsa has some flaws but offers fun and still interesting gameplay.

The best deck for the Eniripsa Kokoro

Changes to objects are possible, particularly regarding companions or spells to be more flexible depending on the combat.

Skills and equipment to use on the Eniripsa Kokoro

Here is the list of all the equipment to take on the Eniripsa Kokoro on Waven. Although this is optimized, you should not avoid changing certain spells depending on those already possessed. The most important thing is to obtain a suitable damage ratio, so it is therefore advisable to equip items that are already high levels and their significant damage bonuses.

As for life and damage, only the first bonus of 50% vitality is useful, the Kokoro transforms its attack into armor which is the most interesting.

skills eniripsa kokoro

List of items to equip:

  • Gelano: +1 AP in reserve at the start of the turn.
  • Bstine Ring : +3 AP in reserve at the start of combat.
  • Silassion Ring : +25% to the hero’s attack if he has armor
  • Pignâtre Ring (Deck 15) : +30 attack to the hero
  • Armband Ogan: Grants 25% of the hero’s attack when attacking an opponent.

List of spells to equip:

  • Kokoro Sacrifice: Sacrifice a companion to gain 3 ether gauges.
  • Friendship link: Gives shield to an ally, grant + 1 aura heart in case of support if the hero already has one.
  • Not even dead: Swaps positions with a companion and returns them to the deck.
  • Prevention: Grants untargetable until next turn, draws 1 spell if support.
  • EMERGENCIES : Teleports an ally up to 3 squares, grants them the armored hero’s attack in case of support.
  • Rufus: Summon Rufus around the hero, place this evening in your hand at the start of the fight.
  • Devouring cure: Heals and fire damage around the target, bonus damage in support.
  • Burning Kokoro:: Fire damage around the target, bonus damage in support.
  • Pugnative Cure: Fire damage, +50% drain if support.
  • Bounce Flask Air damage around an ally, it triggers rebound in support.
  • Vaporous Kokoro: Air damage around an ally, bonus damage if support.
  • Kokoro Reinforced : Earth damage to opponents aligned with an ally and bonus damage if supported.
  • Peat Balm : Heals and damages earth on an opponent aligned with the target, triggers peat in support.
  • Stimulating Word: Heals, +1 AP in reserve for support.
  • Frosted Kokoro: Heals, bonus healing if support.

Eniripsa Kokoro’s companions and special skills

Special skills:

  • Kokoro Strike: When you trigger support, your hero inflicts 50% of his armor around him.
  • Kokoro recycling: When you trigger support, +1 elemental gauge of the same element as the spell played.

List of companions:

  • Grufon: Draw 2 spells.
  • Lou : Draw 3 spells at 3 AP.
  • Coqueline: Obtains phase shift throughout the fight.
  • Darth Vlad: +25% bonus attack each time he attacks.

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