Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree after review bombing


It seems that the great excitement that arose shortly after the release of “Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree” has died down. The fans are in a much more relaxed mood.


When about two weeks ago, after a long wait, the DLC “Shadow of the Erdtree” for the extremely successful action role-playing game “Elden Ring” was released, everything initially pointed to a great wave of euphoria. After all, the download extension was able to set an incredible recordBut a short time later, the mood suddenly turned into the complete opposite: criticism rained down, In addition, a heavy review bombing broke outFortunately, things have now calmed down again.

Review Bombing at Elden Ring – what happened?

Shortly after the official launch of “Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree”, enormous anger and frustration erupted, which was particularly noticeable in the Steam online shop. Within a very short space of time, countless negative reviews for the DLC were received there, and at one point almost half of all reviews submitted were extremely negative in nature.

There were several reasons for this review bombing, such as annoyance over some technical problems. However, the biggest cause of outrage by far was the difficulty level of “Shadow of the Erdtree”, which fans felt was set far too high. The main game “Elden Ring” is already considered a tough challenge to this day, but the DLC seems to be the developers of From Software to have overstepped the mark. Players gave vent to this frustration, especially on Steam, which was ultimately reflected in the poor overall rating. But how has the situation developed since this tricky initial phase?

Minds are calmed, the mood rises

In the last few days the situation has changed very clearly. received a lot more positive reviews from fans on SteamMeanwhile, “Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree” is at a “mostly positive” level, with only 29 percent of the reviews being negative.

Even more news about “Elden Ring”

On the one hand, this could be because some fans have now gotten over their initial anger and have changed their minds about the DLC. In addition, there is certainly a not insignificant number of completely new players who only found their way to the action RPG “Elden Ring” after the release of “Shadow of the Erdtree” and are therefore somewhat more unbiased about the topic. In any case, there are many indications that the average rating will continue to rise over the next few days.

More news about Elden Ring.

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