Elden Ring: Efficiently Unlock and Level Up

In Elden Ring, you first have to unlock leveling before you can increase your level. To do this, you have to have reached a certain point in the story. You also need runes to be able to pay for the level up. We'll explain how leveling up works in Elden Ring.

What do I need to be able to level up?

In order to level up, you need runes. When you defeat enemies, you are rewarded with them (and loot). The more powerful the opponent, the greater the reward. If you die, you lose them and can get them back from the place of your death, provided you are not killed again beforehand. If you want to level up quickly, then read our guide to farming runes.


You use these runes, to buy items from traders or to level upYes, here you have to decide whether you want to buy something with your hard-earned currency or improve your character.

Do you want to get about three levels faster right at the beginning of the gameyou have to select the souvenirs when creating your character Intermediate Rune When you use it, you will receive 3,000 runes. However, we recommend that you make a different choice in our linked article.

Where can I level up my character?

Melina is the name of the NPC that lets you level up your character. This means that you have to find her first. To do this, you must visit one of three specific places of grace and rest there. This will trigger a video sequence in which you meet Melina. We have marked the three locations on the map below.

If you accept Melina's offer to accompany you, you will unlock the horse and can now make a step ascent at every place of grace. To do this, go to the menu and select the menu item Level progression. Then decide which values ​​you want to improve.


Reading tip: If you don't know exactly what to invest your expensive points in, read our article on attributes and point distribution in Elden Ring.
