Elden Ring DLC: The Secret to Transforming the Stone Sheath Sword into the Sword of Light and Darkness

News tip Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?


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Have you acquired the stone-sheathed sword, a legendary weapon, but you don't really know what to do with it? Know that this legendary weapon must be brandished in front of very specific altars of the Shadow Realm of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree to benefit from sacred power? If this is not the case, find all the information regarding the sword of light and darkness in this article.


All our guides on Elden Ring and its Shadow of the Erdtree expansion


  • Where can we find the stone scabbard sword in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree?
    • Misty Rift Catacombs
    • Ancient Ruins of Rauh
  • How to change the stone sheathed sword into a sword of light or darkness?
    • How to get inside the Ruins of Unte?
  • Details on the Sword of Light and Darkness

Where can we find the stone scabbard sword in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree?

The Stone Sheath Sword can be found in two different locations (or three, but we can only confirm two) in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree: in the hidden part of the Misty Rift Catacombs or in the tower secret of the ancient Ruins of Rauh.

Misty Rift Catacombs

To find the weapon in the Eldritch Altus Misty Rift Catacombs, simply go down to the first basement of the dungeonwith the help of an elevator, then reach the large hall guarded by a shard stone wizard from Count Ymir and three ceiling traps.

Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?

Your mission here will be toeliminate the wizardthen incidentally the gargoyles, in order to position yourself in said sorcerer's place to lower the trap. When the trap hits the ground you will be able to see a small opening ; jump in, then go to the upper floor. Then turn on your heels to walk directly on the traps to reach the opening in front of you on the right. You will then come across the legendary weapon: the Stone Sheathed Sword.

Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?
Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?

Ancient Ruins of Rauh

Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?

Otherwise, if you don't want to go and retrieve the sword from this place (which will be very damaging for you, but we'll explain that to you later), you can acquire it from the secret tower of the Ruins antiques from Rauh.

From the “Ancient Western Ruins of Rauh” grace site, enter the ruins in front of you, then take the exit to the north and keep heading in that direction to reach the scarlet rot pest ruins. Don't take the elevator and just go to the bottom of the ruin. Once you arrive at the edge of the ruin, immediately after the pests, face the tower, then join it; there is an illusory path. Within the tower, you will then find the legendary stone-sheathed sword.

Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?
Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?

The stone-sheathed sword has a small specificity: it is very weak in its vanilla form and must be brandished on altars to benefit from real power. You can find these altars in three different locations.

  • Interior of the Ruins of Unte
  • Rauh Ancient Ruins Secret Tower
  • Misty Rift Catacombs Hidden Floor

Depending on where you found the sword, the altar will be deactivated (no action will be possible), you will then have to bet on the other two altars to change it into a sword of light or darkness. Note that you can change the weapon type as many times as you want as long as you go to an altar. So, if you don't like the unique skill of the sword of light, you can change it to a sword of darkness and vice versa if you change your mind. The type is interchangeable.

Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?
Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?

Before we look inside the Unte Ruins, let's first focus on the path that leads to them. The road that leads to them is not very complicated.

The Ruins of Unte are accessible from the coffin available in the sewers of the Black Castle. To find it, you just have to join the main rampart, immediately after the Golden Hippopotamus, then go to the end of the latter to find on the balustrade, on the left, a ladder; take it then follow the path to the small waterfall. Use the second ladder, then follow the only path offered by the castle sewers; you will then arrive at the coffin allowing you to reach the lower part of the occult Altus, the Ruins of Unte.

Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?

In front of you, you will be able to see the ruins; unfortunately they are closed. To open access, you will simply need to revive the Furnace Giant, who is in front of the door, with a Large Furnace Pot. To do this, you will have to climb up onto the ruins to his left, so you will have a good enough height to throw the pot into the brazier. If the pot hits, he will get back up and you will be able to enter the ruins.

Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?Elden Ring Sword of Light and Darkness DLC: How to Transform the Stone Sheathed Sword?
  • You will obtain the recipe for the Great Furnace Pot with the Grand Potentate's Manual (2), hidden in the dilapidated Traveler's Shelter located on the lower left of the Ellac Viaduct.

Details on the Sword of Light and Darkness

The sword of light or darkness is a special weapon, in that it has a unique skill. Said unique skill of its light version, Light, allows you to cause light to burst from your weapon when wielding it, creating rays of light that sweep around you, while temporarily increasing holy attacks.

Elden Ring Sword of Light and Darkness DLC: How to Transform the Stone Sheathed Sword?Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?

As for its version of darkness, Darkness, allows you to plunge the surroundings into darkness to deal holy damage and temporarily reduce resistance to holy damage.

Elden Ring Sword of Light and Darkness DLC: How to Transform the Stone Sheathed Sword?Sword of Light and Darkness Elden Ring DLC: How to transform the Stone Sheath Sword?

A unique skill always means Dark Forge Stones. Indeed, you will not be able to use classic forge stone and even less war ashes on this weapon. You will therefore have to go in search of dark forge stones and dark forge of ancient dragons to improve it to its maximum.

This sword is ideal for a Strength build with an appetite for sacred incantations. When it is raised to the maximum level (+10), it scales in Strength (C) regardless of the type you assigned to your weapon.

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