Elden Ring: Complete Ymir questline in Shadow of the Erdtree

Warning, massive spoilers follow: In the realm of shadows that you “Shadow of the Earthtree” explored, not only are all kinds of powerful bosses waiting for you, but in the best “Elden Ring” style, there are also confusing quest lines. In this guide, we will help you to Side mission around Ymir to complete it successfully. This begins with a small scavenger hunt before culminating in an epic finale.

In order to start this quest, you must first find your client. This is Ymir, who you can find in the Cathedral of Manus Metyr You can only reach this place once you have arrived in Scadu Altus. After you have entered the building, you have to go through the gate in front of you and you will see Ymir sitting on a throne. Talk to him to start the quest.


Sweeter the bells never sound

When you talk to Ymir, he will give you two items. Firstly, a map that shows a place in the “Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree” world. Your task is to find this place in order to to ring a bell. However, this is only possible if you also have the second object in your possession that your quest giver gives you: a broken medallion. After that, you should take a quick look around the cathedral. In it there is a NPC named Jolánwho seems quite reserved. However, she is very loyal to Ymir, as you will see later.

The first bell is located in the southeast. You can reach it via the Sky-blue shores. To get to the first finger ruins, as these places are called, you have to travel south, walk a bit along the coast and finally go north to the place. Once you have reached the place, you have to the rear area of ​​the ruin There is a finger hanging down that forms the bell that you must ring.

After completing your task, travel back to the cathedral of Manus Metyr and speak to Ymir there. He will be happy about your success and will give you a second map. This will take you to the northeast of the “Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree” map. You can reach this area via the Shadow Keepwhere you also fight against Messmer the Impaler. Go here to the Place of Grace “Shadow Keep, Back Gate”.

If you go straight ahead, you will come to a boss arena where you have to fight against Commander Gaius. If you go right from the mercy, you will come to a Marika statue and in front of it you have to perform a certain gesture that you can get in the DLC. More precisely, this is the gesture “Oh Mother”which you can find near the Bonny Village Use the gesture to enter the Hinterland.


From here you can reach some new places and you can even find three boss enemies. You can ignore them if you want. If you are fast enough, you can ride past them and get to the next finger ruins. The procedure does not change at this location: you have to find the “bell” in the back of the area, ring it and then return to Ymir.

The secret third finger ruin

Speak to Ymir again in the Cathedral of Manus Metyr, who will once again be pleased that you have fulfilled his wish. As a reward, he will give you a third card So the scavenger hunt continues, but this time you don't have to travel too far. Let some time pass at the Place of Grace and you will notice that Ymir is no longer sitting on his throne. Go to the right from the throne to Ymir outside to talk.

Then go back to his throne and you will notice that you can now interact with it! Underneath it is a ladder that leads down into a underground cave What kind of Elden Ring DLC ​​would “Shadow of the Erdtree” be if there were no underground areas? Climb down the ladder and after a few steps you will have to face an intruder. Defeat him and continue on your way.

As you may have noticed, you have found the last finger ruins and must ring another bell. You will then be teleported to another location where you will have to face a secret boss: Metyr, Mother of FingersCompared to some other “Shadow of the Erdtree” bosses, this enemy is not as strong, but you should not underestimate your opponent, because some of her attacks are quite powerful.

Metyr shoots out of her “face” Magic rays She will throw a few attacks at you, but with a little practice you should be able to avoid them. She will also try to ram you out of the way from time to time, but that shouldn't be too much of a challenge. Concentrate your attacks on the chest area the Mother of Fingers. During our fight with the “Elden Ring” DLC boss, Bleeding damage very effective.

In the second phase of the fight, the boss enemy will also a kind of black hole summon a powerful attack that will cover the entire area. As soon as you see this attack, you should put as much distance between you and Metyr as possible. The boss will also occasionally small opponents that will make your life even more difficult. Otherwise, the procedure remains the same as in the first phase.

As a reward you will receive a whopping 420,000 runes (!) and an echowhich you can exchange for a weapon, among other things, at the Round Table. After your victory, you return and can speak to Ymir in the cathedral again. Although there is a problem with this, because the throne room is empty and when you interact with the throne again, you will attacked by Jolán. You must defeat them to continue with the quest.

Final showdown

But don’t let your guard down yet, because now Ymir the place of Metyr as the new Mother of the Fingers! Fortunately, Ymir cannot endure as much as his “Shadow of the Erdtree” predecessor, but he can teleport. An extremely annoying and irritating ability. Once you have defeated Ymir, you will receive his Sound pearlbe Outfit and his Rodi.e. the complete Ymir set.

The Ymir questline is now over, but there is another choicewhich you can meet after the boss fight. To do this, you must first load the area again via fast travel. If you now go into the cathedral, you can dying Jolán see. Go to her to talk to your former opponent. At the end of your little conversation, you will be given the choice of giving her one of two objects.

You can give her a Iris of Grace or a Iris of Eclipse If you use the former, you will receive as a reward a ghost ash by Jolán and her sister Anna. If you use the latter instead, you will obtain Jolán’s katana, which Sword of the Night. Since the Spirit Ash is not that strong, we would recommend using the Iris of Darkness. Jolán's Sword of Night is one of the best new weapons in “Shadow of the Erdtree”.

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