DreamWorks Trolls Remix Rescue (Nintendo Switch) – The review

The Trolls are adorable musical creatures but also financial machines that run at full speed. In addition to three films (2016, 2020, 2023) which together grossed more than five hundred million dollars, the DreamWorks license is also available in plush toys, children’s toys and video games. DreamWorks Trolls Remix Rescue is presented as a musical game in the universe of these hairy beings. In reality, it is a 3D platformer developed by the Brazilians of Petit Fabrik and published by the Americans of GameMill Entertainment. Released since October 27, 2023, is the game worth its fifty euros? (available oneShop and in physics).

A classic platformer but with good ideas…

When we read the eShop description of DreamWorks Trolls Remix Rescue, everything suggests that we are going to play a musical game in the universe of these charming creatures. It is not so : DreamWorks Trolls Remix Rescue is a pure 3D platformer with some musical mini-games.


DreamWorks Trolls Remix Rescue allows us to create our own troll. Once this task is completed, we walk to the pop festival. Except that when he arrived on stage, poor Chaz, a smooth jazz enthusiast, seemed to have completely lost his self-confidence.

It is therefore with good heart that we offer him to play a little in front of the public in order to find a little joy. The amplifiers are turned up to full blast and Chaz takes the opportunity to bewitch all the Trolls! They are lobotomized and obey Chaz’s orders.

Only our hero who was wearing his DJ headset was not fooled. And it’s up to him to go save the world!

DreamWorks Trolls Remix Rescue is a platformer with a touch of action and musical gaming. We play our troll who must go and rescue all his friends.


The gameplay is quite simple to understand. There is a whole platformer part where our character will have to cross various obstacles while eliminating the monsters that are in our path.

The more new areas we discover, the wider our skill set becomes, and if we only knew how to jump stupidly at first, we’ll end up scaling walls, jumping on them, hitting enemies with our hair, etc.

In your exploration, you will find sorts of arenas in which you will have to eliminate a specific number of enemies in order to free the other trolls from their “jazzesque” grip.

Sometimes, but very rarely, musical mini-games will brighten up your adventure and open up new passages for you. For example, you will have a Simon (the memorization game with colors), a Guitar Hero very simplified and not super fun, as well as a dance that you can see in our gameplay video at the end of the test.

There are also boss fights at the end of each world with platformer games with a permanently scrolling camera.

DreamWorks Trolls Remix Rescue is not a bad platformer. If the bestiary is limited, the action part is boring and almost without interest, the obstacles are quite numerous and rather varied.

But spoiled by a camera that makes the game unpleasant

DreamWorks Trolls Remix RescueWe cross lakes with molten lava, we will have to hang on with our hair on suspended platforms, there will be moments when the scenery will collapse under our feet… the game could even have been a good platformer if all the gameplay was not spoiled by the camera.

She is capricious, she tarnishes our progress, plays tricks on us… We sometimes see the inside of our Troll (which is completely empty, poor guy) while we are focused on technical parts where we really don’t want to fall.

During certain bosses and therefore with a camera that moves on its own, it shows us the wrong direction. It centers an area where we are not, prevents us from progressing, and after a bad mistake, it continues on its way forcing us to lose all our lives.

Fortunately, DreamWorks Trolls Remix Rescue is not punitive. We have a large number of lives, a capacity to regenerate, checkpoints everywhere and life is hidden here and there in the decor.

Despite everything, this camera turns a nice experience into a real ordeal and it’s a real shame because the game is far from being a scam. The story is classic but follows perfectly. Some scenes are even funny for the big kids that we are.

DreamWorks Trolls Remix Rescue unfortunately also contains a lot of bugs, textures which are sometimes not finished which also tarnish the adventure. We sometimes jumped onto platforms that were not modeled and which were fatal to us. We sometimes crossed a whole path before realizing that it was not planned by the game and led to a dead end. The backup has been finicky at times.

Overall, the title has ambition but sorely lacks the technique to hold up and offer an optimal experience.

For which audience?

DreamWorks Trolls Remix RescueWhat is the target audience of DreamWorks Trolls Remix Rescue ? Is it children, adults, everyone? The difficulty unfortunately seems too high for an eight year old child. The cutscenes in English with French subtitles seem to offer too little reading time for them to enjoy the story. For an adult, the game will seem a little bland, a little slow and it will lack a little something to really have fun.

The lifespan is interesting despite its high price, and count on more than ten hours to complete the adventure. However, we cannot advise you to spend fifty euros for such random camera play.

The graphics are rather pretty, they are colorful, sometimes repetitive, sometimes very pixelated, but they have the merit of representing the Trolls universe quite well. They are unfortunately much less pretty than on other consoles.

The soundtrack is interesting… but horribly repetitive. Each world (and we spend several hours in each world) has only one music. If we love music… it ends up annoying us. We end up wanting to change the world as quickly as possible.

We present to you two gameplay videos of the game on the Nintendo Switch: one presents the first ten minutes of the game, the other ten more much later in the adventure.



  • A classic platformer but with good ideas
  • Interesting music
  • A colorful universe
  • Not punitive


  • No French dubbing
  • Technically in the west with a disastrous camera
  • Music for hours
  • The graphics are sometimes very poorly rendered
  • Bugs galore
  • Not suitable for children or adults
  • Fifty euros

Note details

  • Lifespan / Price
  • Gameplay
  • Graphics
  • Soundtrack
  • Bugs / Camera
