DKV demands password change for fuel card customers

DKV, a leading provider of mobility solutions for companies in Europe, has asked its customers to change the password for their fuel cards by July 8, 2024. According to the company, the measure is part of Improvements to security settings for your own “DKV Cockpit”.

In an email to customers, DKV explained that the password change was necessary to “protect your personal data and security-related functions.” The DKV Card is a widely used fuel card used by fleet operators, companies and individuals across Europe. It allows users to refuel at petrol stations and pay for other vehicle-related expenses without using cash.


While DKV itself has not confirmed any evidence of a data leak or other security breach, the measure raises concerns. The request to change the password is very reminiscent of the procedure after a security leak has been discovered – especially given the short lead time. It is of course also possible that the company simply wants to increase the security of its systems with this measure.

This is not an unusual practice. Companies often take proactive measures to improve the security of their systems, even when no specific threat is known. Experts therefore generally recommend changing passwords regularly, especially if requested by the company. Customers should take the request to change their password seriously and change their password.

It is advisable to choose a strong password that consists of a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. You should not share your password with others and change it regularly.

Anyone who does not change their password by July 8, 2024 will automatically receive an email the following day to change it.

