Discover How to Earn ‘Loyalty’ Packs on EA FC 24 as a Dedicated Player

On EA Sports FC 24, many packs have been added to the store, but recently, EA Games decided to add a series that aims to reward the most loyal players. We explain how to recover them in this article.

“Loyalty” packs, a leak that is finally becoming a reality!

Packs that reward player loyalty on EA Sports FC 24, if you follow the news on the game and in particular the leaks that come out, you know that we have been hearing about them for a few months. The first rumors came out during the month of December.


To find them, you will have to go to the store and more particularly in the brand new section which has appeared and which is called “Packs for you”. There, you should have 0, 2 or 4 packs depending on the number of days you have logged into the game.

If you have played at least 3 days, you will find a pack with 10 credits and one called “Welcome to the team”. If you played at least 30 days, you will also have a pack with 30 credits and the one called “Ultimate Supporter Pack”. Please note, connections via applications do not count!

What do these FC 24 packs contain?

Like many players when you heard the news, you probably rushed to the store and then it was a cold shower. Indeed, if EA Games has offered you packs to reward you for your loyalty, they actually pay off!

If for the 10/30 credit packs, the amount will not scare you, we are still talking about 50,000 credits or €5 in FC points to spend for the “Welcome to the team” and 250,000 credits or €20 in FC points for the last one, the “Ultimate Supporter Pack”.


So, below we suggest you find what awaits you in terms of content for each of the 4 packs in this offer:

  • 10 credit pack: 3 rare players
  • 30 credit pack: 10 rare players
  • “Welcome to the team” pack: 1 Pioneer Spirit/Centurion/Triple Threat/FC Pro Live/Fulgurance 84+ player and 12 rare players including an 85+ card
  • “Ultimate Supporter” Pack: 2 Pioneer Spirit/Centurion/Triple Threat/FC Pro Live/Fulgurance 85+ players and 85 rare players including 2 87+ cards
Packs "Loyalty" offered to the most dedicated players on EA FC 24: how to get them?

Which packs to take and which to leave?

Obviously, investing so many credits in some of these packs makes you think and you probably hesitate. For the 10 and 30 credit packs, we will advise you to go for it. What you get out of it is very profitable and you don't have to wonder.

For the next two packs, however, it's not the same music. In fact, it requires quite a few credits for results which are at best a little better than those of the packs you will find in stores. Moreover, the cards you get will not be exchangeable.

Therefore, we do not particularly advise you to open them, even more so when we know that there is no minimum score and that there is a chance that it will therefore not be very profitable in terms of credits. expenses. It's up to you if you want to try your luck.
