Did “Gollum” let something slip? Nobody expected that

If everything goes according to plan, in about two years a new film of The Lord of the Rings in the cinemas. By this we do not mean the animated adventure The War of the Rohirrimwhich will be on the big screen in late 2024. Preparations are currently underway for the next live action film called The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt of Gollum at full speed. There are surprising and fantastic news.

When is The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum in cinemas?

The actual Production for The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum has not yet started according to current information. Accordingly, no concrete cinema release date has been set yet. However, it is already known that the premiere is planned for 2026Then fans will finally learn more about how Sméagol became Gollum and fell in love with the One Ring.


Directed by Gollum actor Andy Serkis (The Batman), possibly Even Hollywood icon Ian McKellen will return as Gandalf. This seems, by the way, not the only big comebackk to be.

Which characters return in the new Lord of the Rings film?'

Andy Serkis was recently invited as a guest at this year's ACE Superhero Comic Con. There he spoke about The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum, among other things. First, he surprised the visitors with the statement that the name of the film could possibly change before its premiere in two years.

Nothing is set in stone in this regard. A little later, he hinted at an even bigger surprise: Some of the characters from the original trilogy by Peter Jackson will probably celebrate their comeback.


“It's too early. It would be unfair to commit to anything at this stage. But I can reveal that we will be going very deeply into the character of Gollum. It is possible that some familiar characters will return. But I won't say who they will be.”

According to this, fans can look forward to seeing some of their favorite characters again. Since Andy Serkis did not give any further details, it remains to be seen plenty of room for speculation. Will Give honor to Aragorn? Are there any Gimli or Legolas appear again? The guessing game can begin.

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The Lord of the Rings will continue soon

Next to the film The War of the Rohirrim mentioned above This year there will be further supplies for all fans of The Lord of the Rings. On August 29, 2024, the second season of the series The Rings of Power will beginwhich exclusively on the streaming service Amazon Prime Video will be shown. Then, among other things, there will be to a reunion with the mighty Sauron.

Source: Popverse.com
