Developers on monetizing the hero shooter


Firewalk's Game Director Kim Kreines has now explained what the monetization of the first-person shooter “Concord” looks like.

“Concord” is a hero shooter that lets players compete against each other in PvP battles.


Yesterday a few Hands-On Reports to “Concord” went online. Among other things, Videogameschronicle had the opportunity to test the upcoming hero shooter from Sony. In addition, the responsible developers have given the British video game magazine communicatedwhat monetization will look like.

Apparently, you don't have to worry about pay-to-win mechanics. As Director Kim Kreines announced, only cosmetic content will be available for purchase.

The full experience for all players

There are purely cosmetic items that can be purchased to further customize the character's appearance. These have no impact on gameplay. We firmly believe that the full experience should be available to all of our players.

Director Kim Kreines on the monetization of “Concord”

In addition to cosmetic items, various content such as characters, modes and maps will be added over time. Of course, you don't have to pay anything for this.

If you are not interested in visual content, you only have to pay 39.99 euros once. That is how much the standard edition of “Concord” costs. Alternatively, there is a deluxe edition, which offers 72 hours of early access in addition to 16 character skins and the monarch package.

The developers have also announced when the beta phase of “Concord” will start. We have provided all the information in this article:

The release of “Concord” will take place on August 23rd for PS5 and PC. In this team-based first-person shooter, you compete against other players in 5v5 modes. Each available hero has individual skills and their own story. New content will be introduced over time.

More news about Concord.

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