Developer apologizes for “continuing false hopes”

Even though “Days Gone”, released in 2019, was not the success Sony had hoped for, fans are still hoping for a sequel. However, Studio Bend has now apologized for “false hopes”.

“Days Gone,” which was originally released in 2019, is still in the headlines quite often despite its age. This is partly because fans of the survival adventure are still hoping for a sequel.


Kevin McAllister, community manager of Bend Studio, apologized to the players for “continuing false hopes” regarding a “Days Gone 2”. The team is now working on a completely new brand work.

Bad information for likes

Kevin McAllister recently addressed the fans of “Days Gone” via Twitter. “I apologize to our Days Gone community for constantly being fed false hope and bad information by people looking for likes. This is not fair to any of you,” said the community manager. “We are currently working on a new IP and when we have actual news to share, it will come from our studio.”

Although McAllister did not address it directly, it is speculated that he was referring to the statements of the creative director of “Days Gone”, John Garvin. Garvin stated a few days ago that the open ending of the game was chosen deliberately, to make it a trilogy.

Other websites then picked up the statement with the headline that a trilogy had been “confirmed” by the developer. The victims of this misinformation were once again the hopeful fans.


Creative Director has been in the media several times

John Garvin has often made unfortunate statements about “Days Gone”. Most recently, he answered a fan’s question about whether a second part was still possible with: “Never say never…” If Sony were to bring him and his co-director Jeff Ross back into the team, a sequel would be possible. However, Jeff Ross explained that a sequel was unlikely because Sony executives were never fans of “Days Gone”.

A few years ago, Garvin caused a stir when he “woken” critics blame about the game's poor performance. This led to the Bend studio distancing itself from its statements.

Source: DualShockers

More news about Bend Studios, Days Gone, sony bend.

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