Details about the game world and the fights in the developer video

Nacon released a behind-the-scenes video for “Terminator: Survivors” yesterday. In it, the developers provide interesting details about the game's design.

A video regarding “Terminator Survivors” has been uploaded in which the developers talk about the survival adventure.


During development, Nacon took inspiration from the first two Terminator films. Because this is about survival, the team wanted to recreate this “feeling of constant persecution”. That is why they decided on a survival project.

Most of the time you run away until you are ready to confront them.

Marco Ponte on the gameplay of “Terminator Survivors”

A little explored setting

In addition, the dark, post-apocalyptic environment after Judgement Day is ideal for a survival adventure. Even though this landscape has been seen a little in the films, it is an unknown setting. Therefore, it is ideal for being explored in more detail.

The events take place in the United States. Here, every place and every character has something to tell. You get to feel the “tense and suspenseful atmosphere” of the first film from 1984. In the second part, the development team again focused on the action scenes.

Another inspiration was the 80s and 90s, when highly acclaimed action and science fiction films were released. You should be able to feel the vibe of this in the game.


There are several factions represented, each with a different view of the world and Skynet. Interact with these groups to find out more about them.

The fights are “realistic and hardcore”

The combat system was also discussed. It is said to be “realistic and hardcore”. If you don't act carefully and tactically, you can die very quickly. You can take a stealth approach or go straight for a frontal attack. This decision depends on your (usually meager) resources.

You are the underdog, which means confrontations and fights must be handled in different ways.

Marco Ponte explains the battles of the survival game

The worst possible enemy is after you

In a world with few resources, poor visibility, and the threat of radiation, the Terminator is the “worst possible enemy” you can imagine. If you try to defeat one, your chances of survival are very slim.

The open game world is divided into different biomes, each of which is clearly different from the other. Mountain landscapes, desert areas and cities of various sizes await you.

Take a look behind the scenes of the development yourself:

You can find even more information about the setting and gameplay in the article linked below:

“Terminator: Survivors” will be released on October 24th this year for PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC. The price and editions are not yet known.

More news about Terminator: Survivors.

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