Destiny 2: Update July 2, 2024, patch notes and details – Destiny 2

Vungіe unfolded, Tuesday, July 2, 2024, A BRAND NEW UPDATE ON DESTINY 2. This is patch, which introduces some changes and fixes some issues players are experiencing.

Mays, without further delay, see you The notes are in French from the update, released on July 2, 2024, on Destiny 2.


Summary of the update of July 2, 2024 by Destiny 2


The Heart of Rahe


  • Fixing a problem where players can improve their weapon level faster than expected in Reversal.
  • Addressing a problem where the objective “Researchers of the Heart” of the Path is not achieved through the Forgotten Researchers “The Forgotten Researchers” and “The Forgotten Researchers” broken”.
  • Solving a problem where the tremors of the bodies in the Reversal do not occur in some cases.


  • A problem was fixed where it was stated that the player had never picked up the cysts from the inside of the cyst, which caused the throat to fail.
  • We are implementing the following changes to the Infested Grotto:
    • Arrest of a problem in the moth-infested cave where an ascot is attacked with a delay, which delays the appearance of the plaque.
    • A series of mites that reappear during the battle of Bose.
    • Two minutes have been added to the display, giving players a total of 6 minutes to complete.
  • To stop a problem where the game can start if you attack the “vermin” of the Ruсhе with a ереа.

Avant-Garde Program

  • Resolution of a problem where the Eclipse and the Reinforcement of the Heart were required to overcome some of the Avant-Garde observations.

The Test

  • Addressing a problem where the Chase Echotic Resuscitation Rifle on the lookout gets more ammunition than expected in some modes.
  • Fixing a problem where Cherester's methods incorrectly resolve bonuses when you complete a round of checkouts
  • Addressing a problem where the winnings of the Scam mode are not consistently delivering results to players.


  • Solving a problem where the Resistant Hynergy Challenge does not work with Rhythmic Dostrin.
  • Solving a problem where the Luminous Magnitude node wrongly misrepresents the Master Rex weapons as required to generate power orbs.
  • The number of fusion fragments required in the Fusion Test node is reduced from 100 to 25.

Dоnjons and Rаіds

Oe of the Halut

  • The timer is extended after finishing the last match.
  • Stopping a problem where buying weapons is difficult from the merchant. Mainz does not provide weapons.

The Broken Theron

  • Fixed a problem where overloads were still being applied.

Contents of Haysooner

Rоtосоlе rіgmе

  • Solving a problem where the rebate system does not work before the second half of the mission.

Excusable solutions

  • Stopping a rare plant that occurs by regenerating materials during activity.
  • Solving a problem where the activity week's challenge does not always follow the completion of the difficulty in Exercising.
  • Addressing a problem where fighters above the Eccles level inflict more damage than expected.
  • We apply the following changes to the recurrence of materials:
    • The time required to extract samples has been reduced.
    • Two stones were destroyed by the attempt.
    • The reparation of the stones is now visible over a longer distance.
    • We have increased the delay time when a player starts the next match.
  • Fixing a problem where there is a missing header on the banner that appears when you reach for a silver (Silver, Gold, Platinum) coin.

Gaming Interests and Investments


  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from getting improved glide when heat was turned on during glide.
  • Fixing a problem where the Fasette d'Esroir does not work with certain bonuses.


  • The equipment of the year 6 was removed from the original Rexit repositories blindly.
  • Vision of the Guide:
  • We have discovered the ability to create artefacts in JSC.
  • We will look for a more balanced way to manage these issues in the future.



  • Khvostov:
    • Fixing a problem that greatly reduces the result.
      • To counteract this change, we have increased this stability rating by 30.
    • Damage from these shots that hit has been reduced to only other players.
      • The initial damage bonus is reduced from 15% to 5%.
      • The rebound damage was reduced from 18.4 to 4.6.
  • Red Mort:
    • The intrinsic stability bonus provided by the consolidated result has been reduced.
  • Black rasa:
    • Solving a problem that resulted in having more balls than expected.


  • Deep current:
  • Fixing a problem where deep current boosters can get grenade launcher chargers other than ground-loaded boosters. The customers who received the wrong chargers will be updated to return UltraRadar units. The new versions will feature deep-current capabilities that include ultra-fast MCUs and simulating MCUs that are rechargeable for the charger.


  • Air Trigger:
    • Solving a problem that can be attributed to any equipped weapon.
    • Reduced risk of injury when you are in the area.
  • Improved treatment:
    • Infer in an indefinite manner Restoration x2 instead of Restoration x1.
    • This treatment definitely gives an improved duration for Restoration x1.


  • Solving a problem where you are and the Failsafe titles don't stop there.
  • More information has been added to the Restore Ascender Screens, for more information on what is unlocked after obtaining the Final Form Ascender.
  • Fixed a problem where the title of the Wishlist was no longer visible to players.
  • Fixed an issue where the rank number was incorrectly displayed on the player menu after reaching rank 100.
    • The rank limit is 100 until the start of the season.
  • Resolution of a problem in which Echo's engrams could have entered the war zone before Failsafe was delayed to the SEC.
  • Resolution of a problem in which the models of the blue glaze of the Slave's prints require the inclusion of legends.
  • Solving a problem that causes the equipment to fail to charge in certain activities and destinations.

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