Dead Rising Deluxe: Remaster announced

Capcom has surprisingly announced “Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster”. The revised version is to be released for current platforms and is shown in a first teaser trailer.

Capcom's zombie action-adventure series “Dead Rising” has been out of the picture for a while. However, a comeback is imminent. However, fans should not expect a completely new game at first.


Without any pseudo-leaks or hints, Capcom today announced “Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster” and released a teaser trailer. What is known so far?

Is anyone out there?

While the teaser trailer is embedded below, the accompanying text does not provide any significant information about the deluxe remaster of “Dead Rising”. However, this will apparently follow soon.

It says: “Hello? Is that thing on? It's Frank! Frank West! Is anyone out there? Grab your camera and get ready for the big news about Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster. More information coming soon.”

“Dead Rising” was released in 2006 as one of the first major third-party exclusives for the Xbox 360. The story follows photojournalist Frank West exploring the Willamette Mall in Colorado, only to suddenly find himself in the middle of a zombie outbreak.


Years later, the game was ported to the Wii and released on the PS4 in 2016 to mark its 10th anniversary.

On which platforms will “Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster” be released? Capcom refers to “the latest generation of platforms,” ​​which should include the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. Players can also expect a new look, as the trailer embedded below proves:

It seems that Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is a major visual overhaul that offers more than your average remaster, and given Capcom's recent success with the Resident Evil series, a full remake wouldn't have been too surprising either.

It is not known exactly when “Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster” will be released. As soon as additional information is available, you will find out on PLAY3.DE.

More news about Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

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