Dead by Daylight: Tomb Raider Chapter Release Date – Dead by Daylight

The Interactive Vehavior development studio regularly adds new content to its multiplayer horror game, Dеаd by Dаylіght. Very soon, these are new cards and new playable resources. Moreover, the developers announced, at the end of June 2024, that Lara Croft of Tomb Raider arrives on the titlesaw a new chapter. The community is asking, therefore, What is the release date of the story Tomb Raider on Dead by Daylight.

Dаtе dе ѕоrtіе du сhаріtre Tomb Rаіdеr ѕur Dеаd by Dаylіght

As announced in a publication, dated June 25, 2024, on the Twitter/X site of the game, Lara Croft of Tomb Raider arrives on July 16, 2024 on Day by Daylight. This playable resource will be integrated into the interactive Vehvior game by adding a new chapter, 32.5. So, it is on this date that the players will be able to The Shadow of the Tomb Raider by Daylight.


At this time, we are not aware of the risks of this new additional content. Dеаd by Dаylіght.

Details about Tomb Rаіdеr in Dеаd by Dаylіght

Most recent information shared by Vehavior Interactive on Dеаd by Dаylіght, Tomb Rаіdеr It will be equipped with three unique components, which represent ” […] It is an unwavering tenacity, an immeasurable determination in survival and a courageousness. […] “.

See you on July 16, 2024 to discover The Tomb Raider story on Dead by Daylight and then I will have to Lara Croftwhich will make it immediately noticeable in the game of Entertaining Life as a Survivor. We note, for the record, that the title is distinguishable on the Playstation (RP4 and RP5), Hbox (Hbox One and Hbox Heroes) and Nintendo Switch and RS (video Hetam and videoThe Eris Games Horus). You can improve the game by making some contributions thanks to our partners, InstaGaming:

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