Cyberpunk 2077: Successor is being developed in North America

As is well known, the sequel to “Cyberpunk 2077” is being developed by CD Projekt's teams in Boston and Vancouver. The people in charge revealed why this decision was made in a recent statement.

CD Projekt is currently working on several projects. In addition to a new “The Witcher” trilogy There is a successor to “Cyberpunk2077” in progress.


The successor is being developed under the working title “Project Orion” and is being developed by CD Projekt’s North American offices in Boston and Vancouver. A decision that CD Projekt announced in a current podcast As Executive Producer Dan Hernberg revealed, the sequel to “Cyberpunk 2077” is a typically American story.

Therefore, from a creative perspective, it would make sense to have the title developed in North America. “I think cyberpunk is definitely a very American story,” says Hernberg. “It has a lot of punk energy and it was written by an American. So it just seems right to do it in America.”

Small details make the difference

As game director Pawel Sasko added, it is the small details that can make a game better or have a negative impact on immersion. He cited the manhole covers in “Cyberpunk 2077” as an example. These were based on manhole covers that are normally found in Germany or other European countries.

“There was this post on Reddit. Someone said that there was this immersion-breaking bug in Cyberpunk. The bug was related to the fact that the manhole covers were the manhole covers that you normally use in Europe, in Germany, for a sidewalk,” the game director continued.


Sasko continued: “These are not manhole covers, which are usually covering the streets in America. This basically shows you the differences, right? When you go to America, there are things like fire hydrants, where they are placed and what they look like. The street lights, the positions of them, the garbage cans, right? They are in front of the house, right on the street.”

It is these small details that, according to Sasko, can make a difference when it comes to creating an immersive and believable game world.

Successor is in active development

“Our curbs are different, all of our signs are a different color. Everything is just a little bit different. It doesn't break the immersion, but it's that little thing that makes you think, 'Well, maybe this wasn't done by people who live here or who understand American culture in its entirety,'” Hernberg concluded.

In February, CD Projekt announced that the successor to “Cyberpunk 2077” is now is in active development. Currently working around 50 developers on the title, which has not yet been given a release date. CD Projekt has also not revealed which platforms it will support.

Since “Project Orion” is still a few years away, it is conceivable that in addition to the PC and the current consoles, the successors to the PS5 and the Xbox Series X/S will also be supplied.

More news about Cyberpunk 2077.

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