Collect all jewels in Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

It's time for you to get a good scare again! Not with a horror game, but with a charming ghost hunt. Luigi's Mansion 2 HD has found its way onto the Nintendo Switch and now offers you the opportunity to go on a spooky tour in the old 3DS style.

In addition to the many ghosts, there are of course also collectibles to discover in the haunted areas. There are 13 jewels hidden in each of the five buildings, just waiting to be found by you. In our guide, we reveal the locations and give you tips on how best to reach them.


Some gems are only available in certain levels, so we recommend you collect them as soon as possible. Be especially careful with those linked to mini-games: you can only try them once per mission!

In addition, the collectibles are only saved if you complete the level with the newly collected jewels. We'll start with the spooky mansion and the ivy towers and hope you have fun scaring yourself!


All jewels in the haunted mansion

A-1: Schreckweg 09/15

  • Shade garden: As you can see through the window, a ghost dog was happily playing with the first jewel, causing it to land in the tree. Thanks to the suction function of your scare path, you can easily suck it towards you.
  • Front yard: Go to the flowerbed on the left side of the stairs. There you have to blind the second flower from the right, after which it will spit out the second jewel.

A-2: Gear Hunt

  • Salon: Activate the sensor on the grandfather clock with your strobe light to open a hatch and release the third jewel.
  • Studio: The fourth jewel is hidden at the top left of the window, but you can only see it by looking at the mirror through the camera in the room. Use that as a guide and then simply suck up the object.

Source: PCGames

Location of the fourth jewel in the spooky villa

A-3: Book Ghost

  • Main entrance: Shake the right armor and grab its helmet. You can now shoot it at the corresponding painting in the top left, which will make the fifth jewel available.
  • Dining room: On the right side of the room there is a safe with a light sensor on the ceiling. Use your strobe light and grab the sixth jewel.
  • Kitchen: Open the fridge and grab the ice block with the seventh jewel. Take it to the open flame at the back left and let it thaw to secure the collectible.

A-4: Deception and deceit

  • Foyer: First go into the courtyard and use the dark lamp to reveal a hidden door on the left. Enter the corridor, suck up the spiders and go through the next door on the top left. You will now end up in the foyer behind the aquarium and can collect the eighth jewel.
  • Patio: Make the third statue in the pond visible again to collect the ninth jewel.
  • Library: Similar principle: Make the globe appear on the left side with the dark lamp. Then suck it in and shoot it away, whereupon the tenth jewel will appear.

Where to find a jewel in Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

Source: PCGames

Location of the tenth jewel in the spooky villa

  • Workspace: Start in the bedroom and pull the cord to unfold the bed. Sit on it, which will launch you into the study. Look around for the painting with the eleventh jewel on it, hidden behind two curtains. Suck them up and use your dark lamp to reveal the object.

A-5: Midnight cleaning

  • Roof truss: Make your way to the far right. The twelfth jewel is floating above the dresser to the right of the cheese portrait and the two broken suits of armor.
  • Bedroom: Light the stove and suck or blow on the ceiling lamp to make it spin. The net ball attached to it catches fire and ignites the net in the back right, making the thirteenth jewel behind the screen accessible.

All jewels in the ivy towers

B-1: Plumbing

  • Tower access: The first jewel in the ivy towers is clearly visible through a grate under the stairs on the left side of the room. Simply walk along behind the stairs to get to the object.
  • Research space: A gummy fruit is growing on the far right of the room. Suck it up, but don't inhale it, and then blow air into it – and it will quickly become a hot air balloon! Float up and then all the way to the left before carefully letting yourself fall to get to the second jewel.

B-2: The Wind Turbine Gate

  • Ornamental garden: Grab a bucket, fill it with water and water the seedling in the bottom right of the garden. Now blind the plant with your strobe light and you will receive the third jewel.
  • Botany laboratory: The fourth jewel requires a bit of skill. Trigger all three light sensors on the machine on the left side of the room at the same time to activate a jet of water for a short time. Catch it with a bucket, which you should put down beforehand, and use it to water the seedling at the back right. Then pull out the strobe light again and you've done it.
  • Seedling culture: First, defeat the ghosts in the room and then try a sort of mini-game. Use the device to shoot the mouse with the fifth jewel so that you can collect it.

Where to find a jewel in Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

Source: PCGames

Location of the fifth jewel in the Ivy Towers

B-3: Cemetery Walk

  • Tool room: Start in the tower staircase for the sixth jewel. First, make the pipe in the staircase visible. At the back left of the room, on the lower level, you then have to make a door reappear using the dark lamp. The water from the pipe waters the seedling, causing a spiky fruit to grow. Suck it up and “feed” the dangerous plant with it to get to the chest with the sixth jewel.
  • Hollow tree: Grab the bucket in the corridor on the left, fill it with water and then water the seedling on the right. Now you have to blind the plant briefly and then the seventh jewel is yours.
  • Old graveyard: On the left side, the eighth jewel is floating above a gravestone; all you have to do is suck it up.

B-4: Pool Party

  • Bridge walkway: On the right side, a red plant hangs from the ceiling. Suck it up and grab the ninth jewel.
  • Playroom: Just don't get dizzy, because to get the tenth jewel you have to run around the big doll until its head pops out!
  • Sun Garden: Use the Dark Lamp to make the treasure chest on the table visible again to collect the eleventh jewel.
  • Winter garden: Grab a balloon and float to the top right. There you have to make a door appear that leads you to a mini-game. If you manage to collect all the red coins in time, you will receive the twelfth jewel in return. If you don't manage to do this straight away, you have to play the mission again.
  • Bathroom: Defeat the ghosts and then go to the toilet paper on the left. Suck it up, which will tear it off and reveal the thirteenth jewel.

After that, you'll have already collected all the jewels from the first two areas. On the next page, you'll see the engineering yard and the snow mine. You'd better dress warmly, because you'll get more than just cold shivers down your spine. The wintery name says it all!
