Clock Tower on Nintendo Switch for Halloween

The classic 16-bit horror game is coming to the West for the first time.

The clock is ticking for the modern release of a survival horror classic! Independent gaming studio WayForward, alongside publishing partners Sunsoft and Limited Run Games, is extremely excited to announce that an enhanced version of the Clock Tower The original 16-bit game will be available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox, and PC in 2024 (the game was originally scheduled for early 2024), marking the first time this terrifying initial adventure in the popular horror series will be officially translated and released in North America and Europe.


Not long ago, WayForward reassured Switch fans that Clock Tower: Rewind was still on track for a 2024 release. Unfortunately, we're still waiting for information on North American releases and European, but today we have news about the game's release date in Japan. In Japan, Clock Tower: Rewind is published by Superdeluxe Games, which has just confirmed a release on October 31, 2024 for this part of the world. This date happens to coincide with Halloween, making it the perfect time to release this revised horror classic. Hopefully we'll get the same treatment in North America and Europe, and we'll also know the release date in the near future.

Clock Tower is an iconic horror video game series that began in 1995. The original game, titled “Clock Tower: The First Fear”, was developed by Human Entertainment and released on the Super Famicom, the Japanese version of the Super Nintendo. Since then, several sequels and spin-offs have been created, each making their own unique contribution to the series' story and atmosphere.

The central element of Clock Tower is the presence of a killer nicknamed Scissorman, a deformed man armed with giant scissors, who pursues and threatens the protagonists throughout the game. Players take on the role of a main character, often a young woman, who must escape Scissorman, solve puzzles and discover the mysteries surrounding the mansion or the environment in which the story takes place.

Clock Tower stands out for its eerie atmosphere and escape-and-survival gameplay. Unlike many horror games, Clock Tower's protagonists are generally unarmed and must rely on their wits and ingenuity to escape the killer's attacks. Players must hide, avoid traps, and make quick decisions to stay alive.


The series has had several notable titles, including “Clock Tower 2” (known as “Clock Tower: Ghost Head” in Japan), “Clock Tower 3” and “Haunting Ground” (which was originally intended as a sequel unofficial at Clock Tower). Each game features its own storyline and new characters, but retains the basic element of the scary killer chasing the protagonists.

Clock Tower has gained a devoted fan base thanks to its terrifying atmosphere, unique gameplay, and different approach to horror. The series helped popularize the survival horror genre and had a significant influence on many subsequent games, such as the “Resident Evil” series and “Silent Hill”.

Limited Run Games is an American company specializing in the publishing and distribution of limited edition video games. Founded in 2015 by Josh Fairhurst and Douglas Bogart, the company is headquartered in Apex, North Carolina. Limited Run Games is notable for its mission to produce physical versions of digital games, primarily for the PlayStation and Nintendo platforms, although it has expanded its catalog to include other consoles.

Limited Run Games was born in response to a growing trend in the video game industry: an emphasis on digital downloads over physical releases. The founders, passionate about video games and nostalgic for traditional game boxes, decided to create a company that would put physical versions back in the spotlight. Their mission is simple: “Forever Physical”. They believe that every game deserves a physical version, which can be collected, displayed and preserved for future generations.

The first game published by Limited Run Games was Breach & Clear for the PlayStation Vita, in October 2015. This title quickly found its audience, and its success confirmed the viability of the company's business model. Encouraged by this success, Limited Run Games quickly expanded its catalog, offering titles for the PlayStation 4, then for the Nintendo Switch and other platforms.

Limited Run Games' impact on the industry is significant. They not only proved that there was a market for limited physical editions, but they also influenced other publishers to adopt similar strategies. Always looking for new opportunities, Limited Run Games launched a physical store in Cary, North Carolina in 2020, where they sell their limited editions as well as other video game related products. This expansion into retail is a new step in their growth strategy.

WayForward Technologies, often abbreviated to WayForward, is an American video game developer renowned for its original creations and adaptations of popular licenses. Founded in 1990 by Voldi Way, the company is headquartered in Valencia, California. WayForward is particularly appreciated for its games with careful animations, its creative approach and its respect for classic franchises while giving them a modern touch. WayForward was founded in 1990 by Voldi Way, initially as an educational software and video game development company. The company's early years were marked by a focus on educational titles for various publishers. However, over time, WayForward has expanded its horizons to include more traditional games, particularly those adapted from television series and films.

WayForward's first major success came with the game Shantae, released in 2002 for the Game Boy Color. Created by Matt Bozon, one of the company's lead designers, Shantae became a cult classic thanks to its innovative gameplay, detailed graphics, and fluid animation. Although initial sales were modest, the game gained a loyal fan base, prompting WayForward to develop several sequels over the years.

WayForward is known for its ability to work with a variety of popular licenses, adapting television series, films, and comic books into video games. Notable projects include adaptations of franchises such as Adventure Time, DuckTales: Remastered, Contra 4, and Aliens: Infestation. These games are often praised for their faithfulness to the original source material while incorporating innovative gameplay mechanics and distinctive art design.

In addition to adaptations, WayForward has also developed many original IPs. Shantae remains one of their most iconic franchises, with several sequels like Shantae: Risky's Revenge, Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, and Shantae and the Seven Sirens.

To finish this quick look back at WayForward Technologies, we will remember that they are developing Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp, available for over a year, or Contra: Operation Galuga which has just been released on Nintendo Switch.
