Clever individuals cheat in Pokémon Go by exploiting OpenStreetMap

Cheaters Pokémon Go have fun manipulating OpenStreetMap data in order to create fake places. The objective? Welcome Pokémon that only appear under specific conditions.

Since 2016, Pokémon Go drives fans around the world to get out of their homes to catch “real life” creatures and fill their collections, thanks to augmented reality. And the following year, a significant change took place, under the leadership of the Niantic Labs studio. From now on, mapping data is based on OpenStreetMapa collaborative project, rather than Google Maps.


This development, however, introduced a concern: the possibility of cheating, according to 404 Media in an article published on May 2.

As the OpenStreetMap map can be modified by anyone, smart people produce erroneous locations to fool Pokémon Go. We thus find ourselves with beaches positioned anywhere, with the aim of making a Pokémon appear that only appears on beaches. In OpenStreetMap forumsa contributor, Ivan Branco, deplored this manipulation of data, noting that two people in Italy had imagined fictitious beaches.

How cheating works Pokémon Go with OpenStreetMap

The sudden appearance of false ranges in OpenStreetMap is linked to the arrival of Taupikeau In Pokémon Go. This very rare creature can appear on beaches since April 22. The conscientious contributors to OpenStreetMap quickly made the connection. Since then, they have been working to repair the data.

OpenStreetMap is a real map used daily by thousands of people for various purposes, such as disaster management, navigation, business, among others. Please only add real information to the map, making sure it is accurate. », recalls an OpenStreetMap user.


Fake beaches in OpenStreetMap // Source: Screenshot
Fake beaches in OpenStreetMap. // Source : Screenshot

The manipulation of cartography, if it can make you smile in the case of Pokémon Go, can cause serious problems later. The phenomenon has existed in any case for years, as evidenced by this topic published on Reddit in 2017when an OpenStreetMap enthusiast warned the community of Pokémon Go.

I know the data in the US is far from perfect and some areas are old and horrible. But only correct data will take us forward “, we can read. “ I really hope people use OpenStreetMap responsibly », replied another Internet user.

The subject has taken such a serious turn that there is even an educational page providing advice and recommendations to fans of Pokémon Go wanting to contribute to OpenStreetMap.

She reminds us that the goal remains to improve the map, for the benefit of everyone, and this requires real indications – so as not to mislead people who would use it as a GPS, for example. There is also a rule to include the keyword “Pokémon” if an edit of this type is made, so others can check it.
