Broken Ranks – Towards a merger of Broken Ranks servers

A little less than two years after its launch, Broken Ranks is struggling to retain its players. After consulting the different linguistic communities via a vote, the MMORPG servers will gradually be merged.

At the beginning of 2022, the independent Polish studio Whitemoon launched Broken Ranks, MMORPG immersing players in a dark and tortured universe in isometric view and based on a turn-based combat system. Since its launch, Broken Ranks has regularly undergone content and feature updates, but after just under two years of operation, the MMORPG is clearly struggling to retain its community of players. The Whitemoon studio therefore announces a merger of several game servers.


Last week, alongside the latest update, Whitemoon launched an in-game consultation aimed at collecting players’ opinions on the interest (or not) of merging the Dramon (English-speaking), Kahiris (German-speaking) servers, Rylia (French speaking) and Thaas (Portuguese speaking). The developer was committed to respecting the choice of players on each server – each community could therefore vote in favor of merging its server (to bring together different communities and benefit from a denser population of players) or to do so. oppose to remain independent and maintain a linguistic server.

Players from the four servers voted (for, against or neutral) and all chose the merger.

Three steps to merge four servers

As a result, the developer will carry out a server merger, organized in several stages. This October 24 at 10 a.m. local time, the Kahiris and Rylia servers will be combined into a temporary server and on October 26, the Dramon and Thaas servers will be merged to form a second temporary server. Finally, on October 30, the two temporary servers will be united into one, definitive this time, called Wyvern.

The players of the four original servers are therefore all intended to find themselves on the Wyvern server, within a densified and revitalized community. As these players will come from different geographical backgrounds, the developer plans to add new options in the cat, to facilitate multilingual exchanges.


If Broken Ranks is not free from flaws, we can undoubtedly welcome the consultation of players to determine the organization of the community. For the record, the game is distributed free-to-play and can be downloaded from the official website, here.
