Bethesda Rejects Fallout Favorites – With Valid Justification

With its post-apocalyptic RPGs, the Fallout series has captivated players for 27 years – but despite its advanced age, Bethesda unfortunately does not want to touch the original games again.

Successful games nowadays often get a remaster or even a remake after just a few years – but the Fallout series has so far resisted this trend. Although the first two games were released in 1997 and 1998 and are approaching their 30th anniversary with great power armor strides, Bethesda is not planning on giving the RPGs a facelift in the near future.


Fallout: No remake or remaster planned

In an interview with YouTuber MrMattyPlays, Bethesda boss Todd Howard spoke about the future of the Fallout series – and buried the dream of many RPG fansThere are no plans for remakes or ports to consoles for games from the 90s and early 2000s. Bethesda is keen to ensure that they can still be played in their original state with a mouse and keyboard.

Howard does not want Games like Fallout and Fallout 2 modernized retrospectively – the end-time role-playing games are products of their time, which is a large part of their charm.

Watch the interview on YouTube:

(Source: MrMattyPlays, YouTube)


Fallout fans take over the work – will Bethesda intervene?

Some players wish that Bethesda would give the original Fallout games a new look – some so much so that that they simply take their dream into their own handsRecently, fans announced that they are working on a remake of Fallout 2 in the Fallout 4 engine.

However, the question currently remains whether Bethesda will simply approve the fan project. After all, gaming publishers have already with significantly lower copyright infringements, their legal departments let off the leash.

In our video we show you the eventful history of Fallout – from its origins to Fallout 76:
