Beta dates announced and information on Early Access

The date and numerous details for the beta of the upcoming hero shooter “Concord” have been revealed. When will you be able to test out the new Sony work?

A few weeks ago, Sony Interactive Entertainment and Firewalk Studios had extensively tested the hero shooter “Concord” presentedNow those responsible on the official PlayStation Blog the specific dates for the beta phase have been announced.


Accordingly, the first beta will take place from July 12 to 14, 2024 on the PlayStation 5 and PC. However, this test weekend will be hidden behind Early Access and will only be available to those who pre-order the game. However, anyone who pre-orders any version of “Concord” will also receive four additional codes for Early Access.

All other players have the chance to test the shooter extensively from July 18 to 21, 2024. That's when an open beta will take place. Crossplay support will be available as an option during the test phase.

But what other content is included in the “Concord” beta?

Get a full impression of Concord!

Among other things, you have the opportunity to play all 16 freegunners that will also be available at the launch of the full version. This means that everyone should be able to find a character that suits their own playing style. These include Haymar, Vale, Lennox, 1-ZIG, Sternspross, It-Z, Teo, Bazz and others.


In addition, a total of five different maps will be playable. In Early Access, you will be able to take your first steps on Freewater, Water Hazard, Star Chamber and Shock Hazard. The Bone Mines will be added as part of the open beta.

Of course, “Concord” will also offer different game modes. In “Trophy Hunt” you will experience a mode with respawns in which you have to eliminate the opponents and collect their bounty cards. Whoever reaches the target score first wins the game.

In Cargo Contract, there will be no respawns. Instead, you must reach the robotic package delivery system, place it in zones, and ultimately protect it. Conflict, on the other hand, is a turn-based game mode with no respawns. Teams must gain control of a single capture zone in a central location.

Furthermore, the open beta will add “Area Control”. In this, you must gain control of several capture and control zones. You should conquer two or more zones to earn points and reach the target score.

Finally, the beginning of the story of the Northstar crew is also told. This should get you ready for the action when “Concord” officially launches on August 23, 2024.

More news about Concord.

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