Baldur's Gate 3: Permadeath and deleted save game

How could you not trust this charmer?

How could you not trust this charmer?


It is one of the oldest wisdoms of humanity: Anyone who gets involved with the devil will sooner or later (usually sooner) have to pay dearly for it. Also in Baldur's Gate 3. Two players had to learn this the hard way when their Honor Run tragically failed in the third act. The coolest villain in the game was to blame.

From here on, we will mention events that take place in the third act of the role-playing game. However, we will not reveal the possible endings of the game. Nevertheless, you are warned about spoilers!

A truly devilish end

Just a quick reminder: Honor mode makes Baldur's Gate 3 particularly difficult and also punishes screen death with Perma-Death and the end of the runYou can continue playing, but then it no longer counts as Honor Mode.

In Act 3, you can make a pact with the devil Raphael and promise him that you will give him the Crown of Karsus at the end – an extremely powerful artifact that would probably make him archdevil. Whether that's a good idea is up for debate. Maybe Withers would get us out of this mess?


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Baldur's Gate 3: We clone the Withered One via mod and add him as a companion to our party

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Which was definitely a really bad idea: Despite this pact, the two Honor players decided to break into Raphael's House of Hope and steal two items from him – but not to steal their contract with him. Because despite the theft, they wanted to honor their pact with him in the end.

But it didn't come to that, because the devil caught them with full pockets. A fight against him is brutally difficult, but it is definitely winnable – but because they had violated their pact, they didn't even get the chance. Instead, the grinning Prince of Hell casually snapped his fingers and snatched their souls. End, over, honor run ended immediately.

On Reddit, the two express it with a fitting meme:

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How to prevent this: There are several ways not to die like this. You could not sign the contract in the first place. Or you could be smarter when stealing and pocket the contract at the same time. Or you could copy Indiana Jones and replace the stolen items in the same round with items of the same weight from your inventory, then no alarm will be triggered.

The two failed Honor players take it with humor and announce that they will start their next playthrough in September when Patch 7 is released. This is supposed to bring more bad endings into the game.

Have you already completed an Honor Run or have you failed miserably? Feel free to tell us about your successes (or failures) in the comments!
