Assassin’s Creed Unity: 5 Reasons Why It’s One of the Best in the Series Despite Criticism

Game news Assassin's Creed Unity: 5 reasons that make this much-maligned title one of the best opuses in the series


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If there is one Assassin's Creed opus that has never really found favor in the eyes of players, it is Unity. If today it is still one of the lowest rated titles in the series, does it really deserve such relentlessness from players? We tell you more in our dedicated column!


Very good gameplay…

For connoisseurs of the series, this one is based on 3 well-defined pillars: infiltration, parkour and assassination. Present since the first opus, these principles are, in Assassin's Creed Unity, pushed more than in the past. Parkour, in fact, is much more developed. In fact, in previous episodes of the series, climbing is quite intuitive although quite slow. And as for going back down, that's another story. However, Unity changes the situation, by introducing a new mechanic aimed at making parkour more fluid on the various Parisian buildings. The latter, higher than in the other titles, require a new approach: free running.

…in the service of a good story

Assassin's Creed Unity takes the French Revolution as a backdrop in order to germinate the seeds of a new opposition between the brotherhood of assassins and its eternal adversaries: the Templars. The title places us in the shoes of Arno, an unwilling hero, whose past touches that of the brotherhood. Small twist however, he has always been raised by François De Serre who is none other the Grand Master of the order of the Templars. And to make matters worse, our character has fallen in love with Elise, daughter of the Grand Master and therefore herself of the order. But it is after being wrongly accused of the murder of De Serre that he meets Pierre Bellec, a master assassin, explaining to him that his destiny is to join the brotherhood.

The whole point of this scenario is based on the relationship between Arno and Elise, children from two opposing camps, and on the great respect that the protagonist continues to have for François De Serre, even though he is at the head of the enemy group. Unlike the majority of other opuses, the Templars are not all bloodthirsty monsters here who must be destroyed at all costs, when the brotherhood is several times presented in a very bad light. Between the internal crises of the assassins and the tragedy of Arno and Elise, true French Romeo and Juliet, everything works wonderfully, within this breathtaking revolution which leaves little respite. The game's story is particularly successful, both for its characters and their moral conflicts and for its context.

Assassin's Creed Unity: 5 reasons that make this much-maligned title one of the best opuses in the series

Many other aspects of the title are particularly appreciable and deserve attention. Whether it is its map, its structure or even its missions, do not hesitate to discover the great highlights ofAssassin's Creed Unity in our dedicated column, available at the top of the page!


Assassin's Creed Unity


Assassin's Creed Unity Wiki

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