Assassin's Creed Shadows: It's a game, fantasy, not reality

The upcoming “Assassin's Creed Shadows” is currently experiencing some backlash on social media. Now developer veteran Yoshiki Okamoto has defended the title.

Since the unveiling of “Assassin’s Creed Shadows” The community is divided about what was shown. For example, some users are bothered by the fact that the next game in the series has two protagonistsNaoe and Yasuke. Others are dissatisfied that it is Yasuke is an African samurai.


Now the developer Yoshiki Okamoto, who has been working successfully on arcade and computer games since the 1980s, has spoken out. He says that it is a game and not reality. He also believes that “Assassin's Creed Shadows” does some things right in terms of gameplay.

Developer Okamoto sees game from a more positive perspective

Yoshiki Okamoto has been developing video games since 1981 and became known for his work at Konami. However, internal disputes led to his dismissal, which is why he then moved to Capcom In 1997, he left the company to found his own studio, Flagship. In 2005, the developer founded the studio GameRepublicIn 2011, Okamoto withdrew from the console market and has been developing mobile games ever since.

In a new vlog, the veteran spoke out about “Assassin's Creed Shadows”. In the video, Okamoto stated that he wanted to look at the whole controversy from a more positive perspective. The Japanese also contradicted the criticism of the historical and cultural discrepancies.


“It's a game, it's fantasy, not reality,” Yoshiki Okamoto said in the video. “Even if Oda Nobunaga's family crest is upside down, that's just the Oda Nobunaga in the game. It doesn't affect how entertaining the game is.”

Two protagonists would deepen gameplay

The developer highlights the system with two characters, which some players have rejected, as a positive. Not only does Okamoto believe that the African samurai Yasuke is sufficiently documented in the story, but the ability to switch between the nimble shinobi Naoe and the larger and stronger Yasuke would also add depth to the gameplay.

This will encourage players to think about which character and playstyle would be more beneficial for completing certain sections of the game, the developer said.

Okamoto admits in his video that his optimism for “Assassin's Creed Shadows” also has to do with the fact that his team wanted to do something similar to what Ubisoft is doing with the “Genji” series. “We weren't able to do it back then,” says the Japanese. “But I think Ubisoft will manage it, which is why I have high hopes.”

Source: Automaton, PlayStation Universe

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