Arma Reforger: Update 1.2 released – News

Vampiro 126838 EXP – Freelance Editor,R10,S10,A7,J10
27 June 2024 – 19:10 — last updated 4 minutes ago

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For Arma Reforger Bohemia Interactive released Update 1.2 called Reinforcements this week. The MilSim shooter gets new features, assets and improvements such as beacons, AI-controlled driving and helicopter weapons. You can watch the trailer directly below this news.


Overall, the update is supposed to change the dynamics of the battlefield. The AI ​​in particular is said to have been significantly improved. The following improvements are said to be available:

  • AI Revolution: Drive, Command and Fight. For the first time, AI soldiers can control ground vehicles, navigate and avoid obstacles, creating new opportunities for co-op and PvP gameplay. Additionally, AI can now apply suppressive fire, distribute weapons and reassign crew members. You can recruit AI comrades and direct them with commands to move, stop, suppress, heal, track and defend.
  • Improved air warfare: helicopter weapons and co-pilot controls. The UH-1H and Mi-8MT are now equipped with onboard weapons.
  • Expanded arsenal: flares, explosive charges, bayonets, pilot suits and gloves. The new weapons include the AKS-74U. There are also now explosive charges that enable sabotage and ambushes.
  • Additional extensions: Vehicles, inventory and game master functions:
    • Righting Vehicles: Allows you to right overturned vehicles, which often requires teamwork.
    • Co-pilot Control: Allows co-pilots to take control of the helicopters when the pilot is incapacitated.
    • Civilian Faction: Now available in Game Master mode with random loadouts.
    • Getting in/out revised: Separate actions for opening doors and getting in and out of vehicles.
    • Cyclic Waypoints: Cyclic patrol routes can be created for AI soldiers.
    • Waypoint Linking: Players can assign specific vehicles or destinations to the AI ​​to improve scenario creation.
    • Inventory Improvements: The inventory system and UI have been redesigned to improve functionality and performance.

Update 1.2 Reinforcements is available since yesterday for PC via Steam and for Xbox Series X|S.
