Anticipating Big Changes: A Historic Moment to Come

Nintendo is reaching a turning point in its history and a very, very big upheaval is looming on the horizon. The time has come for change and while it will certainly be good for the company, it will also be historic.

Nintendo is one of the world leaders in the video game industry and has been for many, many years. The company has made history on many levels and will certainly continue to do so. A behemoth that does not seem to be really worried by the competition. Compared to PlayStation or Xbox who are constantly competing, Nintendo is a real outsider, in its corner, and dominates all these beautiful people by selling games and consoles by the pallets. No question of being a fanboy here (I can already see you coming), it's just a fact.


A Nintendo legend is gradually fading

And if Nintendo is so successful, it's because the company has true legends in its ranks. We are thinking here in particular of Shigeru Miyamoto, the father of Super Mario, Zelda, Star Fox or Pikmin and Donkey Kong. Yes, the man has had his nose in everything that has made Nintendo what it is today. A video game monument that will soon be blowing out its 72 candles, no matter what. A real dinosaur that is now facing reality and for him, it is time for change.

Yes, a real earthquake is looming on the horizon, the legendary Miyamoto is slowly but surely starting to withdraw from current affairs at Nintendo, he who has been with the company since 1977. During a regular meeting with shareholders, Miyamoto was asked about his health and his place within the company. What about the future for him who has always hammered home that he is not ready to retire, even if his age tends to suggest otherwise.

As reported VGC who translated the transcription of NStyles on X, Miyamoto hasn't left yet, but he's slowly getting there. The man declares that he still feels good in the company but that he is gradually giving way to the younger generation. “Although I am not completely disconnected from game development, I am no longer involved in the day-to-day work that I leave to the younger generation.”

Shigeru Miyamoto, a tall, very tall gentleman.

A historic upheaval for the company

Little by little, there is more and more injection of fresh blood into the ranks of Nintendo. Something that we had already felt in the recent Super Mario Wonder which had managed to evolve in the right direction, in particular by multiplying the details and by reviewing certain animations or general ideas. Realistically, Shigeru Miyamoto implies it's time for Nintendo to get younger. “The transition is going well, but even those I have entrusted with this position are getting older. So I want to hand over to even younger people.”.


The time has come for change and the era of Nintendo Switch 2 should be the first to be impacted. It is a very good thing. But when someone as important as Shingeru Miyamoto leaves the ship to sunbathe in retirement, Nintendo will lose one of its pillars here. A historic change for the company.

However, it's not for now. Miyamoto is still keeping an eye on his protégés and also declares that he is still very involved in the development of Pikmin Bloom, a mobile game that is quite a hit. In any case, the next few years should be marked by major changes at Nintendo.
