An Unbelievable Deadline: How One Artist’s Life Changed in 6 Months

Game news A real race against time… This creator had 6 months to create the masterpiece that changed his life!


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Discover in podcast the fabulous story of this developer who managed to create a simulation game recognized around the world, alone, thanks to this JV Legends now available on all platforms!


8 years later, the famous life simulation title Stardew Valley continues to please and attract its fan community. Every day on Steam, tens of thousands of players rush to play it. Rated on JV 18/20, this classic comes to us from an average young student who worked in a shopping center to support himself. Not having a specific goal at that time, he came up with the idea of ​​creating a video game, on which he would concentrate 100% while his beloved supported him financially. Here is the story of its creation!

Stardew Valley is the work of one man, Eric Barone, known by the pseudonym ConcernedApe. Before creating this game, Eric Barone was a young computer science graduate from the University of Washington Tacoma, without a steady job and with few career prospects. Passionate about video games, he dreamed of creating his own, but he never completed any of his projects. The idea for Stardew Valley came to Eric while he was playing Harvest Moon, a farming simulation game that he really liked but found to be improvable in some aspects. He then decided to start creating a video game that would improve on all that while adding his own ideas and improvements. Thus, the Stardew Valley project was born. In addition, he set himself a major challenge: creating this game in just six months. He knew he was struggling to complete his projects and thought a strict deadline would help him focus and complete the endeavor. However, he didn't expect his game to reach such heights…

To discover the story of Stardew Valley, It is here and on all podcast applications (Spotify, Apple Poscast…) that it happens. Yes, JV is now moving into podcasts by adapting JV Legends to a 100% audio format. Of course, remember to subscribe so you don't miss any of the craziest stories in the world of video games!

JV Legends, but… in podcast!

If you are subscribed to our YouTube channel, you know our column: JV Legends. We cover the craziest and most exciting stories in the industry. From now on, every Wednesday, we invite you to listen to a new story. While doing your shopping, before sleeping, while cleaning or exercising, you can follow this new format absolutely everywhere! However, if you are wondering if this is a simple copy and paste of the YouTube videos that are already on the channel, you are wrong. This new version has been completely reworked to be even more pleasant to listen to. However, if you like the video format more, you can always go to our YouTube channel to discover all the episodes.

The episode on Satoshi Tajiri is not the only one you can find in podcast. Now you can hear the story of the creator of The Sims, the story of two developers who spent 4 months in hellor even discover the scandalous origin of Minecraft…To be sure not to miss even the slightest episode, don't forget to subscribe on the platform you prefer! Deezer, Spotify, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast…You are spoiled for choice!
