An AI gadget ignites the gaming world: A touch of napalm introduces a new dimension

An AI gadget wants to conquer a new gaming dimension – GameScent adds suitable smells to your gaming experience. However, you should think about whether you want to smell things like explosions, napalm or sweat in your room before buying.

GameScent: AI gadget lets you smell games

GameScent is a scent diffuser that can be connected to your PC or console via HDMI or 3.5 mm jack. The device should then react to audio signals in the game and release certain smells using AI. These are already installed in the device in the form of six odor cartridges, which are gradually emptied. They can be replaced, but there are also other smells to choose from.


The device should be compatible with every game imaginable and can also be used for films.

Check out the GameScent trailer on YouTube:

(Source: GameScent, YouTube)

The Smells included in delivery are:


Gunfight Explosion Forest Storm Racing Cars Clean Air

The scents, however, are available separately Big city, napalm and human effort, which is probably a twisted description of sweat. By the way, other smells are already in the works – these include blood, ocean, sports arena and freshly cut grass.

Gaming rumors: brilliant or crazy idea?

The bizarre gadget is available in the USA at Amazon and Best Buy, but German customers can also order it via Amazon – it costs 197.75 euros (view on Amazon). It's difficult to judge from a distance whether this investment is worth it for greater immersion. In any case, however, it raises the question of whether and for which games such a device actually meets a need, because smells like Sweat, napalm and explosions have not been commercialized for good reason. A game of Doom with the GameScent could be a good argument for thoroughly airing out the room.

In keeping with the topic – in our photo series we show you 21 crazy but possibly brilliant ideas from the internet:
