All You Can Win – Next Stage Event Rewards Guide

The iconic board game Monopoly is reinventing itself in a mobile form with the app Monopoly GO! developed by Scopely in partnership with Hasbro. By integrating modern elements and an additional touch of strategy, Monopoly GO! offers a unique experience for fans of interactive games. Between June 29 and July 2, 2024, a special event called All you can win invites players to participate to accumulate enticing rewards. This article is a complete guide of these rewards, segmented by levels.

How does monopoly go work?

Monopoly GO! is more than just a digitalized board game. Players have the opportunity to build buildingscollect rewards and earn rent based on their movements on the game board. Station squares, banks and other buildings allow you to compete with other players through strategic actions such as robbing banks or attacking buildings.


One of the particularities lies in the management of dice rolls. Spins are limited and once used up, you will need to wait a while to earn more or acquire them through in-app purchases. Maximizing these spins is essential to taking advantage of daily events and bonuses.

The station boxes, a central element of the competition, allow you to perform random attacks or plan robberies against other participants. When a character lands on a station, a random attack is triggered, allowing you to loot or block other players. Protecting yourself with shields thus becomes essential to avoid losses.

Rewards and milestones in “all you can win”

The event “All you can win” offers players the opportunity to accumulate substantial rewards at each level reached. It runs for a limited time, from June 29 to July 2, 2024, making each day of participation crucial to maximizing your earnings. Here’s a detailed look at the levels and associated rewards:

LandingRequired pointsReward
157 PEG-E tokens
21030 free dice
44510 PEG-E tokens
520Sticker Pack
62550 free dice
73512 PEG-E tokens
8145220 free dice
93517 PEG-E tokens
1040Sticker Pack

Progressing through these tiers requires a well-thought-out strategy to optimize every dice roll and every action on the board. Some tiers offer free diceessential to continue moving forward without delay, while others provide PEG-E tokens or sticker packs increasing your chances of success.


Tips to maximize earnings

To get the most out of the event All you can winfollowing a wise strategy is essential. Here are some practical tips to optimize your experience:

  • Log in daily to not miss a single day of this limited event.
  • Use all your available dice rolls each day to constantly progress.
  • Use sticker packs to complete your collections and earn additional rewards.
  • Invest in shields to protect your earnings from potential attacks.

Wise resource management and strategic planning help maximize the rewards as you level up. By completing objectives like upgrading monuments or collecting daily bonuses, you accumulate substantial benefits.

For a more in-depth understanding of the risks associated with unfair practices, see Why You Shouldn't Cheat in Monopoly Go? – The Dangers of Unfair Play.

Importance of Sticker Collections and Bonuses

THE stickers play a crucial role in Monopoly GO!. Each sticker collected can be placed in your album. Once a collection is complete, generous rewards await you.

Bonuses also allow you to boost your progress significantly. By participating in mini-games and completing various daily missions, you can obtain temporary bonuses which will give you a considerable advantage. Here are some examples:

  • Extended Playtime Bonus
  • Point Multipliers
  • Discounts on in-app purchases

Sticker packs are distributed at various stages of the event, encouraging players to continue their efforts to reach the highest levels. Maximizing the use of these bonuses and stickers makes the game even more engaging and provides many gameplay benefits.

To finish, Monopoly GO! and its event All you can win offer an immersive and rewarding experience for strategic players. By wisely following the tips provided and staying engaged every day, you will be able to maximize your winnings and fully enjoy this unique mobile adventure.
