All our Cra guides on Waven

The cra on Waven benefits from a unique “aura-mire” mechanic which he exploits throughout the fights, find all its variations through our guides.

Our articles are constantly evolving

With its 25 subclasses themselves having unique and sometimes complex mechanics, the content to be covered on Waven is quite substantial.


Thus, our articles evolve as our tests and new discoveries come into play. Do not hesitate to give us feedback in the comments area to help us deal with a subject more quickly.

On the same principle, errors can occur or information become erroneous over time. Your opinions and criticisms are carefully taken into account on a daily basis in order to make our guides as useful as possible for the community.

All Cra builds sorted by subclasses

The cra is capable of juggling many combo or area damage mechanics on Waven. This makes it perfect for quickly farming fights and getting a good number of in-game items.

Crâ Voldorak Vo, the best farm in the game

This version of the Cra quickly became popular from the first days of play. Its “combo” mechanic allows it to inflict heavy damage on all aligned opponents in addition to inflicting bonus damage.


Although it is excellent for farming, this version remains very dependent on the randomness of its draw during the first turns. Additionally, he runs out of steam more quickly as the difficulty of fights increases.

Cra Shiru Shaden, master of teleportation

The Shiru version of Crâ is also known as “cra ninja”, which describes the form of its gameplay well. Indeed, he inflicts part of his attack each time he teleports. The objective is therefore to find solutions to teleport as much as possible in a single turn.

Multi-triggers are great for farming, giving him a prime spot for XP and items. In addition, he suffers less from the shortness of breath that Cra Voldorak can experience during long confrontations.

Crâ Expingole, auras transmitted to companions

Just like the two previous modes, the Crâ Expingole draws its strength from multi-triggering. The only difference is that he is able to create even more thanks to his companions.

Thus, its damage capacity quickly exceeds all other cra subclasses the longer the fight goes on. An ability that quickly allowed him to climb the Waven tier list.

Cra Bunelame, draw to win

The Buneblade Skull draws its power from its pickaxe ability. However, even though this mechanic seems powerful, it is only effective the longer the fights last. In addition, items already allow you to draw and obtain more spells than you can keep in a single turn.

It is therefore still a very good mode to face the combat of the game but does not benefit from skills as powerful as the other types of skull.

  • The Crâ Bunelame guides are being written and will be available soon.

Crâ arc Piven, damage increased for auras

The Piven skull is a good gateway to understanding the auras of the class on Waven. It benefits from bonus damage easily with auras, but is dependent on spells that grant it.

Thus, its great weakness is to obtain a good balance in its draw to obtain spells with bonus auras. A constraint which requires him to play certain spells regardless of his build.

  • The Crâ Piven guides are being written and will soon be available.

All our guides for choosing the right class

Cra is not the only class on Waven to take advantage of many very useful mechanics.

Find out how all the other classes in the game work through our various dedicated guides.

Some subclasses are very powerful and yet rarely used by players.

meta waven 2
meta waven 3
