AI: Nintendo is cautious about its use

Since the launch of ChatGPT At the beginning of last year, the place of generative artificial intelligence is becoming more and more important in our daily lives. It is rare that a week goes by without hearing this or that expert express their hopes or concerns about the use of AI in various fields. Like many other industries, video games are also starting to position themselves on the use or not of this type of tool for game creation. If giants like Blizzard And Ubisoft are now leveraging AI in their production processes, it is interesting to note that others, such as Nintendoare clearly more cautious.

Recently, Shuntaro Furukawathe president of the Japanese company, spoke on the subject: while he recognizes the creative potential of generative AI, he is cautious about certain legal provisions:


Generative artificial intelligence has gained more attention for its creative capabilities, but it also brings intellectual property issues.

When we know the ferocity of Nintendo regarding the use of its own licenses even for fan projects, one would indeed be entitled to expect at least as much intransigence when it comes to the use of Nintendo of other people's intellectual property. However, this is not the only obstacle for the Japanese company, which also has some doubts about the interest of creations generated by AI compared to human work:

We have decades of expertise in creating unique gaming experiences. While we are flexible in using new technologies, our goal remains to deliver unique added value that technology alone cannot provide.

In short, artificial intelligence has its own potential but it is far from equaling the know-how developed by Nintendo since their beginnings in video games. A position that is not necessarily shared by other players in the industry in Asia. NetEasea huge Chinese developer, has notably implemented a special version of ChatGPT in the mobile version of its MMORPG Justice Online. The principle? Allowing you to really discuss with the game's NPCs by offering not scripted dialogues word for word but more organic interactions through a dialog box managed by ChatGPT.

Illustration image made with an icon created by Triangle Squad

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