Activating Maps in Google Search: A Step-by-Step Guide

The operation of Maps in Google is significantly altered, due to the Digital Markets Act (DMA), a European regulation which comes into force on March 6, 2024. But it is possible to associate mapping again with the search engine, to 'use directly in the results.

Google has always taken care to integrate its services and products, with the stated aim of making life easier for Internet users. So, when you type a postal address on the search engine, Maps appears in the results, in the form of a small insert. Internet users then interact directly with the mapping tool.


But recently, this association no longer works – at least, in France and in the rest of the European Union. By entering any address, Maps is still displayed, but as a static image. Can't click on it and get a reaction. No links are otherwise provided to serve as a shortcut.

Source: Screenshot
No more interaction with Maps in Google. // Source: Screenshot

This situation is linked to the entry into application of a European regulation, the Digital Markets Act (DMA). This text is mainly aimed at internet giants, called gatekeepers (or access controllers, in French), by setting them new obligations. Google is also concerned: the company warned in January that its engine would change.

The DMA is a text which intends to curb platforms in their market, by taking measures to prevent them from following policies harmful to competition. For WhatsApp, for example, this means opening up the messaging a little to accommodate discussions from other apps, for the sake of interoperability.

Put Maps back in Google

These considerations on the organization of the digital sector, however, have unpleasant side effects for those who appreciate this overlap. However, it is possible to request this interconnection again in the Google account settings. To do this, you must go to the related Google services and check what you want.


In addition to search and Maps, five other connections can be established: YouTube, Chrome, Shopping, Play and advertising services. By checking this or that service, data can be shared and combined to offer – among other things – a more personalized experience, indicates the American company.

Source: ScreenshotSource: Screenshot
The options to activate or deactivate, according to your preferences. // Source: Screenshot

A clarification: if you make the modification now, by validating your choices, it will not be applied immediately. Google specifies on its pages that the change will be taken into account from March 6, 2024, the date on which the DMA will be fully effective. We will have to wait two more days to get everything back on track.
