Ace Attorney Investigations Collection will delight fans

Capcom seems determined to release all games from the license Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on Switch (hoping this is a sign for a possible new episode…) : THE Nintendo Direct broadcast today allowed us to discover the fairly imminent arrival of Ace Attorney Investigations Collectionwhich will include both episodes spin off respectively subtitled Benjamin Hunter And The Prosecutor's Bet. The opportunity for French-speaking players to benefit from an HD remastering, some re-orchestrated songs, but above all a French translation for the very first time. Here is how the two games are presented to us:

In Ace Attorney Investigations: Benjamin Hunter, players will harness the investigative prowess of Benjamin Hunter, determined to reveal the truth whatever the cost. In Ace Attorney Investigations 2: The Prosecutor's Gambit, which is being released outside of Japan for the first time, they will have to prepare for an even greater challenge and face a new nemesis while fighting to retain their right to continue practice as prosecutors. Throughout these cases, players will also learn how to spot inconsistencies in witness statements, piece together evidence one by one, and uncover hidden information in “Mental Chessboard” gameplay!

These two games, more focused on point-and-click and adventure will invite you to explore various crime scenes and solve puzzles in order to solve crimes. They will benefit from quality of life additions to facilitate your adventure, in particular a history allowing you to return to past conversations and important details, but also a Story mode for those who want to enjoy the colorful dialogues without too much warm up their brains.


Ace Attorney Investigations Collection will be released on September 6, 2024 only on theeShop. Lovers of the physical medium will nevertheless be able to obtain the game by import via sites like Play-Asia or the Japanese branch ofAmazon.

The Ace Attorney Investigations Collection trailer

Some images from the game

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