A Way Out: An impressive success

In spring, the co-op title “A Way Out” developed by Hazelight Studios was released for consoles and PC. In an official tweet, the indie studio provided us with current and impressive sales figures.

In spring 2018, the independent studio released Hazelight with “A Way Out” a cooperative adventure that has been well received by both the community and critics was received quite positively.


After providing us with updated sales figures over the past few years, Hazelight Studios has released another update this week. As Hazelight Studios confirmed, A Way Out continues to sell at a solid level and recently reached the next impressive milestone.

The co-op adventure, released for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, has now sold more than nine million copies.

Developers thank you for your support

Via X, the studio thanked the gaming community for their support and said: “A Way Out has now sold over nine million units! Development has been a wild ride and the game was a success upon release. But even then, we never dared to dream that SO many people would play our game.”


One of the special features of “A Way Out” was the fact that it was a purely cooperative title that could only be played with one other player. Either online or locally on a split screen. One of the few points of criticism at the time was the fact that Hazelight Studios did not use a matchmaking system.

It was therefore not possible to search for a fellow competitor directly in the game. This was a shortcoming, however, which did not detract from the success.

Hazelight is working on the next big project

Hazelight Studios confirmed quite a while ago that they had started working internally on their next project. Unfortunately, it is still unclear when the official unveiling can be expected.

However, the developers prepared us for great things, as the quality of “It Takes Two” should be surpassed once again.

“To be honest, I’m not that surprised [über das positive Feedback]. I always believe strongly in what we do. About our next game, I can tell you now, it will be even better than It Takes Two. It will be so crazy […] and blow people away”, The studio commented on its plans at the time.

More news about A Way Out.

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